Llista dels llibres més venuts Aquesta pàgina proporciona les llistes dels llibres i sèries de llibres individuals més venuts fins al moment i en qualsevol idioma. El concepte de"més venut" (que generalment s'expressa amb els termes supervendes o best-seller) es refereix al nombre de còpies (o una estimació) venudes de cada llibre, i no a les que van ser impresses o distribuïdes gratuïtament. No s'inclouen en aquesta llistes ni els còmics ni els llibres de text. Els llibres es llisten segons les vendes màximes estimades i reportades per fonts independents i fidedignes.
Hi ha diversos casos, significativament el de El Quixot -de Miguel de Cervantes (1605-1615), en espanyol- per als que se sol reclamar un gran nombre d'exemplars venuts al llarg de la història, essent la xifra més alta de la llista, però per als que cap font fiable dona una xifra concreta.[1]
De la mateixa manera, moltes sèries notables de llibres que es van vendre àmpliament estan poc documentades (El màgic d'Oz) o consisteixen en diverses sub-sèries (Tom Swift).
Tampoc apareixen obres polítiques, com les de Mao Zedong, ni religioses, com la Bíblia, l'Alcorà, el Llibre del Mormó o Què ensenya realment la Bíblia?, que s'han distribuït gratuïtament, indicades en l'annex corresponent a les obres més distribuïdes.
Després de més de 500 milions d'exemplars venuts a tot el món,[2][3][4] Harry Potter de JK Rowling és la sèrie de llibres més venuda de la història. La primera novel·la de la sèrie, Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal, ha venut més de 120 milions d'exemplars,[5] convertint-la en un dels llibres més venuts de tots els temps. A partir del juny del 2017, la sèrie s'ha anat traduint a 80 idiomes,[6] situant Harry Potter entre les obres literàries més traduïdes de la història. Els últims quatre llibres de la sèrie van establir rècords consecutivament com els llibres més venuts de tots els temps, amb l'entrega final, Harry Potter i les reliquies de la Mort, que va vendre aproximadament quinze milions d'exemplars arreu del món en les vint-i-quatre hores posteriors al llançament.[7][8] Amb dotze milions de llibres impresos a la primera edició dels EUA, també manté el rècord de la impressió inicial més alta de qualsevol llibre en la història.[9][10]
Les xifres són inexactes i els mètodes varien segons la font; la llista està incompleta, ja que les fonts no estan disponibles per a molts dels llibres.
Llista de llibres individuals més venuts
Més de 100 milions d'exemplars
Entre 50 milions i 100 milions d'exemplars
Entre 30 milions i 50 milions d'exemplars
Entre 20 milions i 30 milions d'exemplars
Entre 10 milions i 20 milions d'exemplars
Llista de sèries de llibres més venudes
Més de 100 milions d'exemplars
Entre 50 milions i 100 milions d'exemplars
Entre 30 milions i 50 milions d'exemplars
Entre 20 milions i 30 milions d'exemplars
Entre 15 milions i 20 milions d'exemplars
La sèrie Perry Rhodan ha venut més de mil milions d'exemplars,[287] però no apareix a la llista perquè aquesta figura inclou vendes de revistes, no només novel·les. [cal citació] De la mateixa manera, la sèrie de Jerry Cotton ha venut més de 300 milions de còpies, però la majoria d'elles eren en format de revista.[288]
Les xifres indicades per alguns llibres corresponen al número d'impressions en lloc de vendes confirmades.
Llista de llibres regularment actualitzats més venuts
Entre 50 milions i 100 milions d'exemplars
Entre 50 milions i 100 milions d'exemplars
Llengua original
Primera publicació
Vendes aproximades
World Almanac(publicat cada any)
Diversos autors
1868–76; 1886–present
82 milions[294][295]
Betty Crocker Cookbook
General Mills
1950-2016 (12a edició)
75 milions[296]
'Merriam-Webster Collegiate Diccionari'
55 milions[297]
Entre 30 milions i 50 milions d'exemplars
Entre 20 milions i 30 milions d'exemplars
Llengua original
Primera publicació
Vendes aproximades
Betty Crocker Cookbook
Diversos autors com Betty Crocker
75 milions[307]
超図解シリーズ (sèries Cho-Zukai)
X media
25 milions[308]
自由自在 (Jiyu Jizai)
Diversos autors
24 milions[309]
新明解国語辞典 (Shin Meikai kokugo jiten)
Tadao Yamada
20.4 milions[310]
Gramàtica Anglesa (English Grammar)
Lindley Murray
20 milions[311]
Entre 10 milions i 20 milions d'exemplars
Llengua original
Primera publicació
Vendes aproximades
L'Alegria de Cuinar
Diversos autors
18 milions[312]
スーパーマップル (Super Mapple)
Diversos autors
18 milions[313]
チャート式 (Gràfic Shiki)
Diversos autors
17.44 milions, només pel primer grau de secundària[314]
英語基本単語集 (Eigo Kihon Tangoshu) "Recopilació del vocabulari anglès bàsic"
Yoshio Akao
Japonès, anglès
17.2 milions[314]
Merriam-Webster Diccionari de butxaca
(Fins a 1965)
試験に出る英単語 (Siken Ni Deru Eitango) "Vocabulari anglès en exàmens"
Ichiro Mori
Japonès, anglès
15 milions[316]
新英和中辞典 (Shin Eiwa Chu Jiten) "Nou anglès-Diccionari japonès"
Shigeru Takebayashi
Japonès, anglès
12 milions[317]
広辞苑 (Kōjien)
Izuru Shinmura
11.9 milions[318]
旺文社古語辞典 (Obunsha Kogo Jiten) "Diccionari d'Arcaismes Obunsha"
Akira Matsumura
11 milions[319]
Atles de Butxaca Hammond
(Fins al 1965)
三省堂国語辞典 (Sanseido Kokugo Jiten) "Diccionari de la Llengua japonesa Sanseido"
Kenbō Hidetoshi
10 milions[321]
家庭に於ける實際的看護の秘訣 (Katei Ni Okeru Jissaiteki Kango Cap Hiketsu)
"Clau a Cura Personal Pràctica a Casa"
Takichi Tsukuda
10 milions[322]
C程序设计 (C Program Design)
Tan, Haoqiang
10 milions[323]
- ↑ «Home» (en anglès). [Consulta: 21 juny 2020]. «Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra fue el más destacado dramaturgo, poeta y novelista español, y el autor de la novela El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, considerada como la primera novela moderna de la literatura universal y el libro más vendido y más traducido después de La Biblia en todo el mundo»
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Forbes Arxivat 2017-08-25 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter: "It and the six subsequent books have now sold 500 million copies worldwide." (22 maig 2013)
- ↑ Hybable Arxivat 2017-09-06 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter: "Collectively, the seven Harry Potter books have sold nearly 500 million copies since the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 1997, making Harry Potter the bestselling book series of all time." (29 abril 2012)
- ↑ The Telegraph Arxivat 2017-10-04 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter: "More than 500 million copies of the books have been sold worldwide and the series has been translated into 79 languages." (26 juny 2017)
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 Chalton, Nicola. 20th Century in Bite-Sized Chunks. Chartwell Books, 2017, p. 129. ISBN 978-0-7858-3510-3.
- ↑ J.K. Rowling Arxivat 2017-07-31 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter: "20 years after it was first published in the UK in 1997, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is to be translated into its 80th language – Scots!" (28 juny 2017)
- ↑ Forbes on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: "The final one, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, has sold 44 million since it was published last July, including 15 million in the first 24 hours." (19 desembre 2008)
- ↑ World Record Academy on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – the seventh and last novel in the series – sold around 15 million copies worldwide in its first day and set the new world record for the fastest selling book." (23 juliol 2007)
- ↑ BBC Arxivat 2008-11-28 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: "The book had a print run of 12 million in the US, compared with 10.8 million for the last book, according to Lisa Holton of the book's US publisher Scholastic." (23 juliol 2007)
- ↑ Inshorts on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: "The final instalment of the Harry Potter series, 'The Deathly Hallows' is recognised by Guinness World Records as 'the fastest selling book of fiction in 24 hours' with a total of 15 million books sold. With 12 million books printed in the first run, it also holds a record for the 'highest initial print run for a fiction book'." (4 juliol 2016)
- ↑ Team, Stylist. «The all-time most popular books in the world revealed» (en anglès), 09-12-2014. [Consulta: 21 juny 2020].
- ↑ «The five biggest-selling books of all time: in pictures» (en anglès).
- ↑ Tolkien Society "The Lord of the Rings has been translated into around 50 languages and since gone on to sell around 150 million copies. It is ranked as one of the best-selling books of all time, and Amazon customers rated the work as the “Book of the Millennium”." 29/07/17
- ↑ Penguin Random House webpage "It’s about a prince and a pilot and, well, it’s kind of nutso, but at one point the prince starts talking to a snake, and hey, it sold something like 140 million copies. If you liked this book, you should read Skitter because even though nobody talks to a snake, there is a lot of yelling and screaming because of spiders." 12/07/18
- ↑ TheTimesTribune WebArchive "In 1943, the text turned from a scribbled manuscript by a relatively unknown author, into a literary phenomenon that has since sold 140 million copies, in about 260 languages." 3/5/12
- ↑ «NYDailyNews WebArchive "After all, “The Little Prince” has sold 140 million copies worldwide and is the world's second most translated book behind the Bible." 16/05/12». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-09-06. [Consulta: 6 setembre 2013].
- ↑ Thoughts on Fantasy Blog " The Little Prince clocks in at 140 million, not bad at all, especially for a single volume." 15/06/16
- ↑ Economic Times "It has been translated into 250 languages and altogether 140 million copies have been sold since 1943" 5/02/17
- ↑ Blog Book Fair WebArchive "The Little Prince, the famous novella by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, is the most translated non-religious title in the world, with editions in 267 languages. Some 150m copies have been sold, there are 400m readers worldwide and more copies are being sold every year, according to Olivier d'Agay (left), Director of the Saint-Exupery-d'Agay Estate." 12/11/12
- ↑ MSN.com "Approximate number of copies sold: 140.6 million" 9/4/2016
- ↑ MPR News "If you add on the roughly 140 million copies of "The Hobbit" that have sold, Tolkien's pushing 300 million books in print." 21/07/15
- ↑ InsideOut Ranking by D. Henderson, 2016
- ↑ ThoughtsonFantasy "The Hobbit sits in second place for best-selling single volume with an estimated 142 million copies sold. "15/06/16
- ↑ , 04-09-2018.
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] https://deadline.com/2019/12/baz-luhrmann-the-master-and-margarita-mikhail-bulgakov-elvis-presley-1202806494/
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/06/12/alice-lidell-the-girl-that-inspired-alice-in-wonderland-2/
- ↑ , 01-09-2015.
- ↑ .
- ↑ The Telegraph Arxivat 2010-04-06 a Wayback Machine. on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: "This classic story has sold more than 85 million copies in 29 different languages since its publication in 1950." (3 abril 2010)
- ↑ The Independent Arxivat 2016-01-29 a Wayback Machine. on She: "His next novel, She, about a beautiful ageless sorceress, was a smashing success, and by 1965 had sold 83 million copies." (3 abril 2010)
- ↑ «Carlo Collodi, il papà del burattino più conformista della letteratura» (en italian). artspecialday.com, 03-04-2018. Arxivat de l'original el 3 abril 2018. [Consulta: 3 abril 2018].
- ↑ Repubblica Italiana Arxivat 2009-04-28 a Wayback Machine. on Le Avventure di pinocchio: "“The Adventures of Pinocchio” translated in more of 260 languages." (1 juliol 2001)
- ↑ San José Mercury News Arxivat 2012-01-13 a Wayback Machine. on The Da Vinci Code: "That earlier book has sold more than 80 million copies worldwide, was adapted into a movie and made hits out of Brown's previous novels, including "Angels & Demons," whose film version is now in theaters." (5 juny 2009)
- ↑ Hypable Arxivat 2017-09-06 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: "As of 2012, the book has sold 77 million copies worldwide and been translated into 72 languages." (April 2012)
- ↑ FanSided Arxivat 2017-08-24 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter: "The success of the books — every one of which has sold over 65 million copies — and the films — which have done billions of dollars worth of box office sales worldwide — is perhaps the easiest way to demonstrate the sheer size of the Harry Potter fandom." (November 2016)
- ↑ Forbes Arxivat 2020-08-03 a Wayback Machine. on "High Five With Paulo Coelho"
- ↑ Carter, Alice T. «'The Bridges of Madison County' novel springs to life as a musical» (en anglès). TribLIVE.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-04-14. [Consulta: 13 abril 2017].
- ↑ «#37. Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ» (en anglès). The Southern. Arxivat de l'original el 2020-10-09. [Consulta: 17 març 2019].
- ↑ (en anglès) , 01-09-2017 [Consulta: 25 octubre 2017].
- ↑ «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2017-09-06. [Consulta: 3 setembre 2017]. abril 26, 2014
- ↑ The Walrus Arxivat 2008-05-13 a Wayback Machine. desembre 2007 issue
- ↑ granma.cu Arxivat 2011-07-18 a Wayback Machine. març 6, 2007
- ↑ http://www.salon.com/entertainment/audiofile/2005/10/31/listens Arxivat 2011-06-29 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ ABC Australia Arxivat 2014-04-26 a Wayback Machine. on Heidi: "Johanna Spyri's story has been translated into fifty languages and sold fifty million copies, but the marketing juggernaut shows no signs of slowing down – fat from it. Heidi now has her own theme park." (5 agost 2002)
- ↑ 45,0 45,1 45,2 The Top 10 of Everything 2002 by Russell Ash
- ↑ Reuters Arxivat 2010-01-13 a Wayback Machine. on Anne of Green Gables: ""Anne of Green Gables" has sold more than 50 million copies and been translated into 20 languages, according to Penguin." (19 març 2008)
- ↑ The Times Arxivat 2008-07-18 a Wayback Machine. on Black Beauty: "Fifty million copies of Black Beauty have been sold in the years since Anna Sewell's publisher paid her £20 for the story." (29 febrer 2008)
- ↑ Library Journal Arxivat 2008-09-21 a Wayback Machine. (no date)
- ↑ (en anglès) , 30-07-2010 [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ BBC News – Watership Down author Richard Adams criticises homes plan Arxivat 2012-01-11 a Wayback Machine. on Watership Down: "Watership Down sold more than 50 million copies." (13 desembre 2011)
- ↑ Then & Now: Shere Hite, sexologist, The Irish Times]. "The report went on to sell more than 50 million copies".
- ↑ Pocono Record Arxivat 2014-01-21 a Wayback Machine. on Charlotte's Web: " It has sold over 50 million copies, been translated into 23 languages, and shown in three major movie versions." (06 juliol 2007)
- ↑ Sunday World Arxivat 2014-01-18 at Archive.is on The Ginger Man: "Donleavy, who lives near Mullingar, has previously rejected repeated attempts by Hollywood to make a film version of his book, which has sold 50 million copies worldwide and been translated into 18 languages." (5 agost 2008)
- ↑ «Worker's Press acknowledge Frederick Warne's intellectual property rights». Prnewswire.co.uk, 10-07-2003. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-08. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ «Best-Sellers Initially Rejected». www.literaryrejections.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2020-10-09. [Consulta: 1r setembre 2015].
- ↑ «The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show». The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-04-14. [Consulta: 13 abril 2017].
- ↑ on To Kill a Mockingbird: "...has sold more than 40 million copies globally since it was published in 1960." (03 Feb 2015) Arxivat 2015-07-11 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ Locker, Melissa. «More Flowers In the Attic, Please: Which V.C. Andrews Nightmare Novel Should TV Adapt Next?», 17-01-2014. Arxivat de l'original el 1 febrer 2018. [Consulta: 1r febrer 2018].
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] https://www.nationalgeographicpartners.com/press/2020/1/cosmos--possible-worlds
- ↑ The National: Sophie's World author turns from philosophy to climate change Arxivat 2011-03-17 a Wayback Machine. on Sophie's World: "The novel has now been translated into 59 languages, and has sold an estimated 40 million copies." (14 març 2011)
- ↑ Michael Fleming «Columbia moves on 'Symbol'». , 20-04-2009 [Consulta: 1r novembre 2009]. «Còpia arxivada». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-04-24. [Consulta: 23 juny 2020].
- ↑ «Best selling novelist charmed the audience at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature». , 09-03-2013 [Consulta: 27 maig 2017].
- ↑ 63,0 63,1 63,2 Евгений Немировский. «Журнал "КомпьюАрт" | Подводя итоги XX столетия: книгоиздание. Бестселлер – детище рекламы». Compuart.ru, 03-01-2000. Arxivat de l'original el 2010-11-21. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ «Recalling Anne Frank, as Icon and Human Being». , 04-11-2014 [Consulta: 4 maig 2017].
- ↑ Comfort, David. An Insider's Guide to Publishing. Writer's Digest Books, 14 novembre 2013, p. 244. ISBN 9781599637815.
- ↑ «People Are Going Nuts Over This Obituary For Author Colleen McCullough Which Called Her 'Plain' And 'Overweight'» (en anglès). , 30-01-2015 [Consulta: 13 abril 2017]. Arxivat 2017-04-14 a Wayback Machine. «Còpia arxivada». Arxivat de l'original el 2017-04-14. [Consulta: 23 juny 2020].
- ↑ Wenner, Emma. «July Religion Bestsellers: ‘Purpose Driven Life’ Makes a Comeback; James Patterson Tops». Publishers Weekly. [Consulta: 21 novembre 2018].
- ↑ Playbill Arxivat 2017-03-08 a Wayback Machine. on The Kite Runner: "The Kite Runner, which has been published in 70 countries, selling 31.5 million copies in 60 languages." (2 setembre 2016)
- ↑ Symonds, Alexandria. 'Valley of the Dolls,' by the numbers. Arxivat 2016-02-14 a Wayback Machine. T: The New York Times Style Magazine. febrer 9, 2016. Consultat gener 10, 2017.
- ↑ New Life for Old Classics, as Their Copyrights Run Out – The New York Times
- ↑ At 75, 'Gone with the Wind' still attracts fans, cash and controversy, CNN: "More than 30 million copies of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel are in print worldwide, according to most estimates".
- ↑ «The menacing Daphne du Maurier» (en anglès). Independent.ie. [Consulta: 16 març 2019].
- ↑ The Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature Arxivat 2013-10-12 a Wayback Machine., p. 559, on The Revolt of Mamie Stover: "The Revolt of Mamie Stover (1951), which sold almost thirty million copies worldwide, [...]" (2005)
- ↑ Winnipeg Free Press Arxivat 2010-05-13 a Wayback Machine. on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: "The first book sold 30 million copies and is available in 44 languages." (15 abril 2010)
- ↑ Nicole Sperling «Dan Brown: What's the film status of his book 'The Lost Symbol'?». , 15-01-2013 [Consulta: 1r novembre 2015].
- ↑ «The Hunger Games | Scholastic Media Room» (en anglès). mediaroom.scholastic.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-03-11. [Consulta: 13 octubre 2018].
- ↑ The Global Times Arxivat 2012-07-22 a Wayback Machine. on Who Moved My Cheese: "Who Moved My Cheese has sold over 26 million copies, staying on the New York Times bestseller list since its release in 1998." (23 novembre 2009
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] https://www.gad-distribution.com/en/documentary-series/people-places/around-the-sea-1/the-wreck-of-the-saint-geran-the-legend-of-paul-and-virginie Arxivat 2020-10-09 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] https://writenowcoach.com/dealing-with-rejection/
- ↑ The Columbus Dispatch on The Wind in the Willows: "More than 25 million copies of the book have been sold in 70 countries since 1908, according to the Copyrights Group, which is presently promoting a new edition." (4 maig 2008)
- ↑ Forbes Arxivat 2017-03-29 a Wayback Machine. on Covey: "Stephen Covey will be remembered most as the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, which sold over 25 million copies." (16 juliol 2012)
- ↑ The Age Arxivat 2008-12-05 a Wayback Machine. on The Celestine Prophecy: "it has sold in the vicinity of 23 million copies since its publication in 1993" (22 març 2008
- ↑ «John Green ‘Turtles' book tour balances anxiety, laughs» (en anglès). [Consulta: 21 octubre 2017].
- ↑ (Grace Walk Canada Arxivat 2017-02-22 a Wayback Machine.) «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2017-02-22. [Consulta: 21 febrer 2017]. (21 febrer 2017)
- ↑ The Toronto Star Arxivat 2012-11-05 a Wayback Machine. on Mario Puzo: "According to the Official Mario Puzo Library website, the book sold 21 million copies in hardback and paper by 1997." (21 juliol 2007)
- ↑ Playbill Arxivat 2010-07-26 a Wayback Machine. on Love Story: "Erich Segal's best-selling novel, which has sold 21 million copies worldwide in 33 languages[...]" (23 juliol 2010)
- ↑ Flynn, Gillian. Gone Girl (en anglès). Londres: W&N, 2013-01-03. ISBN 9780753827666.
- ↑ Colette Bancroft «Interview: Paula Hawkins on 'Girl on the Train' and the new 'Into the Water'». [Consulta: 6 desembre 2018].
- ↑ Marcel Behling: Bestsellerliste: Die meistverkauften Bücher aller Zeiten Arxivat 2016-08-19 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ «The Bermuda Triangle: Whatever became of the myth» (en anglès). [Consulta: 20 maig 2017]. «Còpia arxivada». Arxivat de l'original el 2016-12-31. [Consulta: 23 juny 2020].
- ↑ «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2017-10-19. [Consulta: 1r juny 2017].
- ↑ The Financial Times Arxivat 2008-05-19 a Wayback Machine. on Wolf Totem: "Since it first appeared in 2004, Jiang Rong’s Wolf Totem has sold as many as 20 million copies." (15 març 2008)
- ↑ The Philadelphia Inquirer Arxivat 2008-06-29 a Wayback Machine. on The Happy Hooker: "He said he found it fascinating that her book, which has sold 20 million copies to date, is still being picked up today." (26 juny 2008)
- ↑ The Times Arxivat 2007-03-09 a Wayback Machine. on Jaws: "Jaws stayed for 40 weeks in the bestseller charts of The New York Times, eventually selling 20 million copies [...]" (13 febrer 2006)
- ↑ The Huntsville Forester on Love You Forever: "The children's classic Love You Forever has sold over 20 million copies worldwide and is in its 65th printing." (29 octubre 2008)
- ↑ CBC Arxivat 2009-05-08 a Wayback Machine. on The Women's Room: "It sold 20 million copies and was widely translated, despite poor reviews." (5 maig 2009)
- ↑ The Australian Arxivat 2012-01-09 a Wayback Machine. on What to Expect When You're Expecting: "What to Expect When You're Expecting, in its fourth edition, was first published in 1984 and has sold more than 20 million copies." (27 octubre 2010)
- ↑ New York Times Upfront Arxivat 2013-11-05 a Wayback Machine. on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: "This year marks the 125th anniversary of the publication of Huckleberry Finn in the U.S., and the book is still selling—more than 20 million copies worldwide to date—and still generating controversy." (10 març 2010)
- ↑ Eureka!: Inventors describe the moment they realised they’d created a hit Arxivat 2015-04-03 a Wayback Machine. on The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾: " 'The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾' has sold more than 20 million copies." (29 octubre 2011)
- ↑ «The Guardian view on Jane Austen: pride not prejudice». , 13-08-2017.
- ↑ «Pride and Prejudice: universally acknowledged guide to the human heart». , 24-01-2013.
- ↑ John J. Miller on Thor Heyerdahl on National Review Online Arxivat 2013-06-15 a Wayback Machine. on Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific in a Raft: ""Our intention was to test the performance and quality of the Inca raft, its seaworthiness and loading capacity, and to ascertain whether the elements would really propel it across the sea to Polynesia with its crew still on board," he wrote in Kon-Tiki, a book that has sold 20 million copies." (April 19, 2002)
- ↑ The Voice of Russia: Švejkův otec stojí v Moskvě mezi světovou elitou Arxivat 2013-05-03 a Wayback Machine. "Jaroslav Hašek and his Švejk are still popular in Russia. More than 20 million copies were already produced."
- ↑ USA Today Arxivat 2016-04-14 a Wayback Machine. on Where the Wild Things are: "More than 20 million copies have been sold in 32 languages." (November 21, 2013)
- ↑ The New York Times Arxivat 2017-08-03 a Wayback Machine. on The Power of Positive Thinking: "Ruth Stafford Peale, the author's widow (he died last Christmas Eve) feels that the book is as viable today as it was 20 million copies ago." (May 31, 1994)
- ↑ Belfast Telegraph on The Secret: "Publishers Simon & Schuster expect sales to be on a par with – if not bigger than – 'The Secret', which has so far notched up 20 million copies in 46 languages." (19 agost 2010)
- ↑ Washington Post Arxivat 2014-04-26 a Wayback Machine. on Fear of Flying
: "It has been 40 years since “Fear” and its glamorous author landed like feminist blonde bombshells on American culture, selling 20 million copies here and abroad." (7 octubre 2013)
- ↑ How Sweet It Is: The 50th Anniversary of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', Publisher's Weekly]
- ↑ «The Naked Ape at 50: ‘Its central claim has surely stood the test of time ‘» (en anglès). , 24-09-2017 [Consulta: 21 octubre 2017].
- ↑ 「窓ぎわのトットちゃん」、中国で1千万部突破 Arxivat 2017-05-16 a Wayback Machine., Asahi Shimbun (12 maig 2017)
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ (en New Zealand English) , 18-10-2001 [Consulta: 23 abril 2017].
- ↑ "Playthings Arxivat 2008-12-05 a Wayback Machine.". Playthings. (1 abril 2007)
- ↑ OBITUARY: Michael Ende – People – News – The Independent Arxivat 2017-08-15 a Wayback Machine. on The Neverending Story: "Translated into 30 languages and selling over 16 million copies, it starts when 10-year-old Bastian, overweight and undervalued, decides he will read a fantastic book rather than endure another day's bullying at school." (Friday 01 setembre 1995)
- ↑ 117,0 117,1 [4]
- ↑ , 12-03-2017 [Consulta: 27 maig 2017].
- ↑ 119,0 119,1 RJM Licensing Arxivat 7 December 2007 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ Time 26 novembre 1990.
- ↑ «Golden Books : Poky Little Puppy (Little Golden Book)». Jp.bookmooch.com, 01-06-1992. Arxivat de l'original el 2012-05-29. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ CBS Arxivat 2008-04-13 a Wayback Machine. on Ken Follett: "But since it was published in 1989, "The Pillars of the Earth" has become an international sensation, selling 15 million copies worldwide." (7 octubre 2007)
- ↑ The Financial Post Arxivat 2008-10-09 a Wayback Machine. on Dale Carnegie: "Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, the gold standard of the genre, has sold more than 15 million copies since it was first published in 1937." (5 abril 2008)
- ↑ The Patriot Ledger Arxivat 2011-07-16 a Wayback Machine. on Perfume: "Yet the scene, like the movie, is so daring, so challenging, you cannot help but respect Tykwer’s unerring desire to remain true to the source novel, a book that has sold 15 million copies and has been credited with inspiring Kurt Cobain to write the Nirvana classic ‘‘Scentless Apprentice.’’" (5 gener 2007)
- ↑ «Research The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck – 1939 | Literary Themes: The American Dream» (en anglès). www.bookrags.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-02-02. [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ Irish Times Arxivat 2012-01-05 a Wayback Machine. on The Shadow of the Wind: "[...]his novel The Shadow of the Wind has sold more than 15 million copies worldwide, writes Arminta Wallace" (13 juny 2009)
- ↑ The 30 Best Pulitzer Prize-Winning Novels and Short Story Collections Paste (Magazine) 2017
- ↑ «Don't Panic: Douglas Adams and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Neil Gaiman». Contemporarylit.about.com, 29-04-2005. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-14. [Consulta: 26 maig 2011].
- ↑ USA Today Arxivat 2012-01-05 a Wayback Machine. on Tuesdays with Morrie: "The book has sold more than 14 million copies worldwide since 1997 and became an Oprah Winfrey-produced TV movie. " (8 abril 2008)
- ↑ «Erskine Caldwell Biography». Id.mind.net, 11-04-1987. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-08-18. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ The International Herald Tribune on Follow Your Heart: "But Susanna Tamaro's "Follow Your Heart," the biggest selling Italian postwar novel, with more than 14 million copies sold, according to its publisher, Baldini Castoldi, as it was known then, sold barely 25,000 copies in the United States." (3 agost 2008)
- ↑ The Wall Street Journal Arxivat 2017-03-08 a Wayback Machine. on A Wrinkle in Time: "Madeleine L'Engle’s ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ has sold 14 million copies since its publication in 1962." (16 abril 2015)
- ↑ (en anglès) , 19-10-2017 [Consulta: 21 octubre 2017].
- ↑ «Towards the light». theage.com.au. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-07-07.
- ↑ (en anglès) , 09-03-2017 [Consulta: 14 setembre 2017].
- ↑ Associated Press Arxivat 2010-09-06 a Wayback Machine. on Norwegian Wood: "More than 10 million copies of the book have been sold in Japan alone, with 2.6 million more sold in another 33 languages." (2 setembre 2010)
- ↑ The Toronto Star Arxivat 2012-11-05 a Wayback Machine. on Grace Metalious: "It sold 100,000 copies in its first month and went on to sell another 12 million copies, was made into a film and eventually into a prime-time television series that made the young Mia Farrow a star." (21 juliol 2007)
- ↑ China View Arxivat 2009-01-10 a Wayback Machine. on La Peste: "Translated into 28 languages, the book has sold more than 12 million copies around the world." (9 abril 2008)
- ↑ Yomiuri Shimbun Arxivat 2009-08-27 a Wayback Machine. (21 abril 2009)
- ↑ The Australian Arxivat 2012-01-09 a Wayback Machine. on Man's Search for Meaning: "It's the 75th edition of a book that has sold 12 million copies and is one of the most read Holocaust texts." (14 maig 2011)
- ↑ estimate of Giuliano Vigini Arxivat 2010-11-14 a Wayback Machine. (1999)
- ↑ (en anglès) , 26-03-2019 [Consulta: 16 agost 2019].
- ↑ «Prophet Motive». The New Yorker. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-04-22. [Consulta: 21 maig 2017].
- ↑ The Wall Street Journal on The Exorcist: "Back in the 1970s, those smaller, rack-sized paperbacks were the blockbusters of the business, led by such best sellers as William Peter Blatty's "The Exorcist" (11 million copies sold); Peter Benchley's "Jaws" (more than nine million copies), and Sidney Sheldon's "The Other Side of Midnight" (six million copies plus)." (14 setembre 2007)
- ↑ The Telegraph Arxivat 2010-04-06 a Wayback Machine. on The Gruffalo: "The Gruffalo has sold more than 10.5 million copies, been adapted for stage in both the West End and Broadway, and in 2009 was made into a 30-minute animated film" (3 abril 2010)
- ↑ [5]
- ↑ «After 50 years, a tip of the hat to one cool 'Cat' - USATODAY.com». usatoday30.usatoday.com. [Consulta: 21 octubre 2017].
- ↑ (en anglès) , 26-08-2017 [Consulta: 14 setembre 2017].
- ↑ Mills, Fiona. Like One of the Family: Domestic Workers, Race, and In/Visibility in The Help (en anglès). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016-06-22. ISBN 9781443896399.
- ↑ , 13-12-1999.
- ↑ «Looking for the Stranger». rusoffagency.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2016-11-14. [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ Carlos Ramet in Ken Follett: The Transformation of a Writer Arxivat 2017-03-26 a Wayback Machine. page 44 on Ken Follett: "The first two editions alone sold over 10 million copies worldwide" (1999)
- ↑ TVNZ Arxivat 2009-09-25 a Wayback Machine. on The Lovely Bones: "Published in 2002, Lovely Bones is the second novel by Alice Sebold, and has sold over 10 million copies worldwide, remaining on the New York Times hardback bestseller list for over a year." (5 maig 2007)
- ↑ The Telegraph on Wild Swans: "Selling more than 10 million copies and topping the "most borrowed historical biography" chart in British libraries year after year, it proved a publishing phenomenon" (21 juliol 2007)
- ↑ Britannica Arxivat 2007-08-31 a Wayback Machine. on Santa Evita: "Martínez was best known as the author of two classics of Argentine and Latin American literature: La novela de Perón (1985, The Perón Novel, 1988) and Santa Evita (1995, Eng. trans., 1995); the latter was translated into 30 languages and sold more than 10 million copies." (22 novembre 2007)
- ↑ The New York Times Arxivat 2017-09-04 a Wayback Machine. on Night: "Indeed, since it appeared in 1960, “Night” has sold an estimated 10 million copies — three million of them since Winfrey chose the book in gener 2006 (and traveled with Wiesel to Auschwitz)." (20 gener 2008)
- ↑ , 14-04-2008.
- ↑ ABC News Arxivat 2008-04-16 a Wayback Machine. on The Total Woman: "One of the first books to address the issue was Marabel Morgan's "The Total Woman," which sold more than 10 million copies to women of all religious persuasions, making it the best-selling nonfiction book of 1974." (15 abril 2008)
- ↑ «Waseda University». Waseda.jp. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-06-05. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ people.com.cn Arxivat 2006-01-09 a Wayback Machine. (2 agost 2005)
- ↑ U.S. News & World Report Arxivat 2009-05-08 a Wayback Machine. on What Color is Your Parachute: "Today, Parachute is one of the all-time bestselling careers books, with more than 10 million copies of 37 editions snapped up since 1970. " (1 octubre 2008)
- ↑ The Toronto Star Arxivat 2012-10-24 a Wayback Machine. on The Dukan Diet: "The book has sold 10 million copies worldwide, but didn't really make an impression on North America until [...]" (18 abril 2011)
- ↑ BBC Magazine Arxivat 2011-10-26 a Wayback Machine. on The Joy of Sex: "The Joy of Sex ended up selling more than 10 million copies around the world – more than five million in the United States alone, where it stayed in the New York Times best-seller list for a decade." (26 octubre 2011).
- ↑ «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2009-11-13. [Consulta: 29 octubre 2009]. on The Gospel according to Peanuts: "The Gospel according to Peanuts ended up selling more than 10 million copies around the world."
- ↑ «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2013-02-23. [Consulta: 25 febrer 2013]. on Life of Pi: "It was based on a popular novel by Yann Martel that has sold more than 10 million copies around the world."
- ↑ New Trailer hits for 'The Giver' Arxivat 2014-06-06 a Wayback Machine. on The Giver: "The film is based on Lois Lowry’s beloved young adult novel of the same name, which was the winner the 1994 Newbery Medal and has sold over 10 million copies worldwide."
- ↑ Author Examines Gay Athletes Arxivat 2016-02-16 a Wayback Machine. on The Front Runner: "The Front Runner long ago leapt from the shelves of so-called 'gay fiction' to become one of the best-selling novels of recent times, selling 10 million copies in eight languages."
- ↑ Books Apart Arxivat 2017-08-19 a Wayback Machine. on The Goal: "The Goal is one of the best selling business novels. It has sold around 10 million copies and has been translated in over 35 languages."
- ↑ , 01-12-2011 [Consulta: 16 agost 2019].
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] https://www.ilovelimerick.ie/angelas-ashes-musical/
- ↑ [enllaç sense format] https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/Gandhijis-autobiography-to-sell-for-a-mere-Rs-30-during-his-anniversary-week/articleshow/45993055.cms?intenttarget=no#write/
- ↑ Forbes Arxivat 2017-08-25 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: "In juny 2016, J.K. Rowling’s latest book, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, not only shifted 8.3 million units in the first 24 hours and 11.5 million in the first 10 days but, according to Barnes & Noble, it also became the most pre-ordered book since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." (27 juny 2017)
- ↑ Bookseller Arxivat 2015-07-10 a Wayback Machine. on Goosebumps: "Goosebumps is the second- bestselling series of all time globally, selling over 480 million books across 32 languages [...]" (14 octubre 2014)
- ↑ Serafin, Steven R. The Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005, p. 1305. ISBN 978-0-8264-1777-0.
- ↑ Variety Arxivat 2008-04-13 a Wayback Machine. on the Berenstain Bears: "The company also is offering a new animated series based on the Berenstain Bears, the hugely popular children's brand that has sold more than 260 million books worldwide." (7 abril 2002)
- ↑ The Globe and Mail on Choose Your Own Adventure: "The Choose Your Own Adventure DVD movies are adaptations of the original books, which sold more than 250 million copies. " (22 agost 2006)
- ↑ Forbes Arxivat 2017-08-12 a Wayback Machine. on Sweet Valley High: "But despite 250 million copies in print, in 25 languages, Sweet Valley's sugar rush has been on the decline. " (28 octubre 2002)
- ↑ , 22-11-1999.
- ↑ USA Today Arxivat 2012-01-05 a Wayback Machine. on Nancy Drew: "The series is still in print and has sold over 200 million books in 17 languages." (29 maig 2002)
- ↑ «Thomas the Tank Engine's new friend Hiro». ninemsn.com.au, 14-04-2010. Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-17. [Consulta: 14 abril 2010].
- ↑ «Còpia arxivada». , 20-02-2012 [Consulta: 23 juny 2020]. «Còpia arxivada». Arxivat de l'original el 2012-07-31. [Consulta: 23 juny 2020].
- ↑ , 14-05-2013.
- ↑ «Wimpy Kid Series Reaches Milestone as Book 13 Announced».
- ↑ Benjamin M. Compaine and Douglas Gomery Arxivat 2014-04-26 a Wayback Machine., 'Who Owns the Media?: Competition and Concentration in the Mass Media Industry' page 115"
- ↑ The Wall Street Journal on the Star Wars books: "According to a Random House spokesman, the publisher has more than 160 million copies of "Star Wars" books in print." (1 abril 2005)
- ↑ .
- ↑ , 23-06-2003.
- ↑ E.L. James has a new 'Fifty Shades': 'Darker' from Christian's point of view |date=2017-10-10 on Fifty Shades of Grey: "The "Fifty Shades" trilogy, which began with the 2011 novel "Fifty Shades of Grey," has been a publishing phenomenon. The books have sold more than 150 million copies and have spawned two film adaptations, with a third one slated for release next year." (4 febrer 2018)
- ↑ [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-12-14. [Consulta: 17 juny 2015].
- ↑ CityWire on Chicken Soup: "His Chicken Soup for the Soul series, co-authored with Jack Canfield, has sold over 130 million copies in 54 languages and spans 105 different titles." (17 agost 2008)
- ↑ «Norman Bridwell | National Book Festival – Library of Congress» (en anglès). www.loc.gov. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-02-02. [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ , 16-12-2014 [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ Susan Edgerton e.a. in Imagining the Academy: Higher Education and Popular Culture Arxivat 2017-02-15 a Wayback Machine. page 53, on Gilbert Patten: "It is estimated that at least 125 million copies of the Frank Merriwell series (which
itself ran to at least 209 books) were sold." (2004)
- ↑ «Crusader Entertainment Acquires the Rights to Clive Cussler's Best-Selling Dirk Pitt Book Series». Us.penguingroup.com, 14-05-2001. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-01-08. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ , 13-09-1981.
- ↑ Hollywood's liberal losses Arxivat 2008-05-17 a Wayback Machine. (20 novembre 2005)
- ↑ BBC News Arxivat 2011-08-11 a Wayback Machine. on Mr. Men: "The famous books have gone on to sell 120 million copies and have been translated into 15 different languages. " (11 agost 2011)
- ↑ «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2017-08-16. [Consulta: 18 juliol 2017]. on Twilight: "Stephanie Meyer dwarfed the success of Brown's work with the Twilight series, selling over 120 million copies in less than seven years." (26 abril 2012)
- ↑ «The Hunger Games | Scholastic Media Room» (en anglès). mediaroom.scholastic.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-03-11. [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ «James Bond 007 – News». 007.info. Arxivat de l'original el 2010-04-06. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ RTBF Arxivat 2011-01-24 a Wayback Machine. on Martine: "Soixante albums de "Martine" ont été publiés dans la collection "Farandole" et 100 millions d'exemplaires vendus dans le monde." (21 gener 2011)
- ↑ , 29-05-2019. «Còpia arxivada». Arxivat de l'original el 2020-10-09. [Consulta: 23 gener 2023].
- ↑ «How Game of Thrones achieved world domination... long before the TV show even aired». The Independent, 15-04-2019 [Consulta: 28 abril 2019].
- ↑ «BBC America Greenlights Original Scripted Series ‘The Watch’ Based on Terry Pratchett’s ‘Discworld' Novels». BBC America, 31-10-2018. On the Discworld series: "BBC AMERICA announced today the greenlight of the new original scripted series, The Watch, based on Sir Terry Pratchett’s wildly popular “Discworld” novels, which have sold more than 90 million books worldwide." (2 novembre 2018)
- ↑ «Nijntje’s creator turns 80». Expatica.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2007-10-30. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ USA Today Arxivat 2016-06-10 a Wayback Machine. on James Patterson's Alex Cross by the numbers: "81 million: Copies sold of series, starting with Along Came a Spider in 1993.""with Alex, it just seems to come together so naturally that I've kept him for myself. I suppose you could say Alex is the co-author." (27 novembre 2013)
- ↑ «生誕100年 やなせさんの「正義」» (en japonès). Tokyo Newspaper, 08-02-2019 [Consulta: 2 març 2019]. Arxivat 1 de març 2019 a Wayback Machine. «Còpia arxivada». Arxivat de l'original el 2019-03-01. [Consulta: 23 juny 2020].
- ↑ [6]
- ↑ Luisa Gerasimo e.a. in The Teacher's Calendar of Famous Birthdays Arxivat 2017-04-01 a Wayback Machine. page 8, on R. L. Stine: "That year he also created Fear Street, the first horror series for teenagers, which sold 80 million copies." (2003)
- ↑ «Children's writer told £200,000 prize is no fantasy». Scotsman.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2013-05-01.
- ↑ «Anne Rice: interview with the vampire writer». The Daily Telegraph, 02-11-2008.
- ↑ Robert Jordan Arxivat 2017-05-07 a Wayback Machine. Bragelonne – Jordan's French publisher, 2017
- ↑ The Los AngelesDaily News Arxivat 2009-02-24 a Wayback Machine. on OSS 117: "Jean Bruce wrote 265 OSS 117 novels, selling some 75 million copies and spawning seven movies between 1956 and 1970." (1 agost 2008)
- ↑ «Disney Video and DVD Insider». Disney.go.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-12-19. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ «Join the Magic Tree House!». magictreehouse.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2014-01-10.
- ↑ Lexington Herald-Leader Arxivat 2020-10-09 a Wayback Machine. on the Magic Tree House series: "The series has sold 70 million copies in North America and has been translated into 28 different languages in 31 countries." (25 novembre 2010)
- ↑ Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. «Home». Left Behind, 11-09-2001. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-08-30. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ The Globe and Mail Arxivat 2020-10-09 a Wayback Machine. on A Series of Unfortunate Events: "whose 13 “A Series of Unfortunate Events” books for children have sold an astonishing 65 million copies." (10 gener 2012)
- ↑ The Green Bay Press Gazette Arxivat 2012-06-30 at Archive.is on Little House on the Prairie: "If there was any doubt that a love for "Little House is an everlasting one, consider not only that 60 million copies of the Wisconsin-born Wilder's books have been sold since 1932[...]" (24 juliol 2010)
- ↑ The Belfast Telegraph on the Jack Reacher books: "2012 marks a landmark year for Lee Child, whose Jack Reacher thrillers have now sold in excess of 60 million copies worldwide." (7 setembre 2012)
- ↑ Two Decades of Fun and Learning on the Magic School Bus. "Launched in 1986, this spirited science series by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen encompasses 131 titles over a variety of formats and has sold more than 58 million copies." (27 juliol 2006)
- ↑ U.S. title: Where's Waldo?
- ↑ Variety Arxivat 2011-11-09 a Wayback Machine. on Where's Waldo: "The books have sold more than 55 million copies in more than 38 countries and been translated into more than 30 languages" (7 novembre 2011)
- ↑ The Star Arxivat 2011-05-21 a Wayback Machine. on the Mars Venus series: " You must be from another planet if you have not heard of Gray and his Mars Venus universe. Fifty million of his books have been sold in 40 different languages." (24 febrer 2008)
- ↑ The New York Times: The Bobbsey Twins Carry On (And On and On) "...a series of more than 70 books for children 7 to 9 years old that has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide." (17 agost 1987)
- ↑ «A Child's First Library of Learning». English-time.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-05-31. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ The Alameda Sun Arxivat 2008-09-18 a Wayback Machine. on Junie B. Jones: "The series, launched in 1992, offers 27 books and an interactive journal, and has sold 44 million copies around the world." (27 juny 2008)
- ↑ The Irish Independent on Harry Bosch: "Crime writer Michael Connelly's Hieronymous 'Harry' Bosch thrillers have sold 42 million copies, [...]" (5 novembre 2011)
- ↑ The Anniston Star Arxivat 2011-10-08 a Wayback Machine. on Harry Hole: "The series has been translated into 40 languages and has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide." (29 juliol 2011)
- ↑
Kidscreen on Erin Hunter: "Created by Coolabi Group’s company Working Partners, the Warriors fantasy book series has sold more than 40 million copies around the world." (7 gener 2019)
- ↑ China Pictorial Arxivat 2008-03-04 a Wayback Machine. octubre 2006
- ↑ New York Times. Cassandra Clare Created a Fantasy Realm and Aims to Maintain Her Rule. "There are 36 million Shadowhunter books in print." 2016-04-24.
- ↑ ORICON NEWS Arxivat 2017-06-19 a Wayback Machine. (13 març 2017)
- ↑ Michael Bond, Creator of Paddington Bear, Smithsonian Magazine: ""The author’s stories about a plucky, marmalade-loving bear sold more than 35 million copies worldwide."
- ↑ Movie Alert: "The Divergent Series – Allegiant" Arxivat 2017-10-07 a Wayback Machine. Publishers Weekly 2016
- ↑ «The Prince of Dragons: Christopher Paolini and the Rise of 'Inheritance'». , 08-03-2012 [Consulta: 12 març 2012].
- ↑
ORICON NEWS: Light novel light novel "Toaru Majutsu no Index" series published in 2004 by Dengeki Bunko has exceeded the cumulative issue number of 30 million copies, [...] (9 juny 2018)
- ↑ «Guin Saga Author Kaoru Kurimoto Passes Away at 56 (Updated)» (en anglès). , 26-05-2009.
- ↑ «徳川家康(1)出生乱離の巻». Bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-06-30. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ ABC News Arxivat 2010-09-15 a Wayback Machine. on Ramona: "The film is adapted from Beverly Cleary's series of "Ramona" books, which go back more than 50 years and have sold 30 million copies." (23 juliol 2010)
- ↑ SuperHeroHype. «The Dark Tower to Become a Film Trilogy and TV Series». Superhero Hype. Arxivat de l'original el 2012-01-15. [Consulta: 26 maig 2011].
- ↑ [7] Library of Congress, 2018 National Book Festival. "Rachel Renee Russell has sold over 30 million copies of the New York Times best selling series, Dork Diaries," Monica Valentine. (10 octubre 2018)
- ↑ "From Grey To Gray In His New Film, Joel Grey Piles On Years With Makeup" Arxivat 2013-11-05 a Wayback Machine. on The Destroyer: "The movie, by Dick Clark, Larry Spiegel and Mel Bergman Productions, is based on the Destroyer novel series of some 62 books which has sold 30 million copies." (11 octubre 1985)
- ↑ Asahi.com Kids (11 desembre 2008)
- ↑ «How Curious George Escaped the Nazis». The New York Times, 13-09-2005. Arxivat de l'original el 3 maig 2015.
- ↑ Yomiuri Shimbun Arxivat 2003-03-16 a Wayback Machine. (3 març 2003)
- ↑ The Financial Express Arxivat 2013-11-05 a Wayback Machine. on Rich Dad, Poor Dad: "He has written 18 books, which have sold over 26 million copies." (6 juliol 2008)
- ↑ The Guardian Arxivat 2016-04-13 a Wayback Machine. on Wallander: "[...] the crime novels by Swedish author Henning Mankell, which have sold 25 million copies worldwide." (21 setembre 2008)
- ↑ Norwegian best selling author to cast spell on the UK Arxivat 2012-01-05 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ «Swords and Sorcery Return to Syndication». The New York Times.
- ↑ «Outlander: Is this the new ‘Game of Thrones'?». The Independent. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-08-15.
- ↑ Nifty.com Arxivat 2010-09-15 a Wayback Machine. (Gokujo No Tabi octubre 2003)
- ↑ Storybook Cove Arxivat 2007-09-28 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ The Miami Herald on the South Beach Diet books: "The South Beach Diet became a No. 1 New York Times Bestseller and the six books in the series have sold 22 million copies." (15 gener 2008
- ↑ «dengekibunko.jp». Arxivat de l'original el 2020-10-09. [Consulta: 23 juny 2020].
- ↑ Japan Inc. Arxivat 2008-04-13 a Wayback Machine. (22 juny 2006)
- ↑ Variety Arxivat 2017-08-16 a Wayback Machine. on Artemis Fowl: "The “Artemis Fowl” books have sold more than 21 million copies in print in 44 languages worldwide." (29 juliol 2013)
- ↑ Yomiuri Shimbun Arxivat 2007-10-26 a Wayback Machine. (16 gener 2007)
- ↑ Françoise Hache-Bissette. «Découvertes Gallimard ou la culture encyclopédique à la française» (en francès). ricochet-jeunes.org. Arxivat de l'original el 21 setembre 2017. [Consulta: 15 octubre 2017].
- ↑ «Archived copy». Arxivat de l'original el 2010-09-14. [Consulta: 12 agost 2010]. on Redwall: "Brian Jacques' award-winning books, which have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide in 28 languages." (8 maig 2009)
- ↑ IESB.net Arxivat 2008-10-24 a Wayback Machine. (4 febrer 2008)
- ↑ IT Media Mobile Arxivat 2009-09-22 a Wayback Machine. (4 abril 2005)
- ↑
The Japan Times Arxivat 2009-01-10 a Wayback Machine. (20 març 2005)
- ↑ «Slayers Novel Original Series' Long-Awaited 16th Volume Set for Release on octubre 20». Crunchyroll, 31-08-2018.
- ↑ However further 'Foundation' books were written by Asimov from 1982, extending the direct series to seven books, however these four further novels tell two largely independent stories. Ultimately many of Asimov's works join to form a single time line encompassing 20,000 years of future-history. To further add the extent of the series, a 'Second Foundation Trilogy' of books by contemporary Sci-Fi writers also explicitly join with the series.
- ↑ IGN Arxivat 2011-05-22 a Wayback Machine. 27 juny 2000
- ↑ «The Percy Jackson Problem». The New Yorker, 22-10-2014. Arxivat de l'original el 2016-11-26. [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ The Stage Arxivat 2011-06-12 a Wayback Machine. on Horrible Histories: "[...] based on the hugely successful (20 million copies sold worldwide) series of children's books by Terry Deary, who also wrote this adaptation." (1 octubre 2008)
- ↑ Brandeton.com Arxivat 2020-10-09 a Wayback Machine. on Rainbow Magic: "A publishing phenomenon, “Rainbow Magic” has sold 20+ million copies in 31 languages worldwide, including over 6 million books in print in the U.S." (23 novembre 2010)
- ↑ Stavangeravisen.no Arxivat 2011-10-06 a Wayback Machine.
- ↑ «Lovely County Citizen: Entertainment: Dinner with a vampire author? (05/18/11)». Lovely County Citizen. Arxivat de l'original el 2011-05-27.
- ↑ Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review Feb. 1979 issue
- ↑ «Haruhi Suzumiya Light Novel Series Has 20 Million Copies in Print Worldwide». Anime News Network. Arxivat de l'original el 10 desembre 2017. [Consulta: 11 desembre 2017].
- ↑ «Akane Shobo». Hon10.com. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-06-30. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ Fuji T.V. Arxivat 2008-03-23 a Wayback Machine. (2004)
- ↑ The Telegraph Arxivat 2008-05-31 a Wayback Machine. on Erast Fandorin: "The two authors share a quality that has seen Akunin shift 18 million copies of his Fandorin stories" (25 febrer 2007)
- ↑ Publishers Weekly Arxivat 2008-10-02 a Wayback Machine. on Vampire Hunter D: "The books have sold more than 17 million copies around the world." (30 setembre 2008)
- ↑ BBC Arxivat 2008-09-20 a Wayback Machine. on The Hichhiker's Guide: "About 16 million copies of the books have been sold worldwide" (17 setembre 2008)
- ↑ Helen Fielding: Beyond Bridget Arxivat 2011-06-06 a Wayback Machine. The Independent 2003
- ↑ «Raymond E Feist biography, bibliography and reviews» (en anglès). www.fantasybookreview.co.uk. Arxivat de l'original el 2017-01-11. [Consulta: 29 gener 2017].
- ↑ BBC Arxivat 2008-03-13 a Wayback Machine. on Alexander McCall Smith: "His books, featuring the unconventional No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, have sold 15 million copies in English, not counting the 42 languages they've been published in elsewhere." 7 març 2008
- ↑ Kyodo Tsushin(archive.org) (20 desembre 2001)
- ↑ The New York Times Arxivat 2017-09-04 a Wayback Machine. on His Dark Materials: "His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman's trilogy inspired by Paradise Lost, has sold 15 million copies worldwide, while the film version of the first volume, The Golden Compass, has earned more than $150 million." (13 gener 2008)
- ↑ Impress Watch Arxivat 2008-04-30 a Wayback Machine. (24 abril 2008)
- ↑ Publishers Weekly Arxivat 2008-05-02 a Wayback Machine. (24 agost 2006)
- ↑ Perry Rhodan 35th anniversary Press Release Arxivat 30 April 2008 a Wayback Machine. (July 1996)
- ↑ Stoehr, Ingo Roland. German literature of the twentieth century. 10. Boydell & Brewer, 2001, p. 529 (History of German Literature). ISBN 978-1-57113-157-7.
- ↑ [8]
- ↑ Extrapolation for global range of other language publications, and related to the number of Scouts, make a realistic estimate of 100 to 150 million books.Jeal, Tim. Baden-Powell. Londres: Hutchinson. ISBN 0-09-170670-X.
- ↑ «Timeline» (en anglès britànic). [Consulta: 26 octubre 2020].
- ↑ Federer, William Joseph. America's God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations.
- ↑ «Shinbunka». Shinbunka, 21-08-2017. Arxivat de l'original el 2020-10-09. [Consulta: 14 abril 2020].
- ↑ «Book of Facts». The World Almanac. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-09-07. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ World Almanac 2018, ISBN 978-1-60057-213-5, page 11: "More than 82 million copies sold since 1868."
- ↑ «This isn't your mother’s Betty Crocker cookbook». , 12-10-2016 [Consulta: 5 gener 2018].
- ↑ Collegiate Dictionary. 11th. Merriam-Webster, 2003.
- ↑ Peter Mark Roget, 25 març 2008.
- ↑ News2u, 6 febrer 2009.
- ↑ «Meredith Corporation». Phx.corporate-ir.net. Arxivat de l'original el 2020-10-09. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ «`정석` 40년 3700만 권 팔려 … 에베레스트 125개 높이». Joongang Daily. Arxivat de l'original el 2012-07-07. [Consulta: 11 setembre 2010].
- ↑ 한국경제(The Korean Financial Newspaper) Arxivat 2007-09-27 a Wayback Machine. (10 gener 2005)
- ↑ The Telegraph Arxivat 2012-05-29 at Archive.is on the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: "Thirty million copies of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary have been sold since it was first published in 1948. " (3 juny 2005)
- ↑ Akron Beacon Journal Arxivat 2011-06-15 a Wayback Machine. on The Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book: While the title of the book is actually Alcoholics Anonymous, the members of AA refer to it as the Big Book. This is the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA's text on how to stay sober. "And this year is also the 70th anniversary of the publication of A.A.'s Big Book, which has sold nearly 30 million copies since 1939." (11 juny 2009)
- ↑ Twelve Step Programs Worldwide Arxivat 2011-08-10 a Wayback Machine. about "Alcoholics Anonymous", the book affectionately known as "The Big Book". The 25 millionth copy of the Big Book was published in 2005, and about 1 million copies are sold each year. This means that as at 2010 there have been about 30 million copies sold, ranking it high on the list of best-selling books ever. More impressive still, it has sold this many copies even though it is available free online in English, Spanish and French – links provided."
- ↑ Map Repoat maig 2004 Arxivat 2006-09-23 a Wayback Machine. "The Michelin Guide France 2004 Celebrates Its. 30 Millionth Copy", p.20
- ↑ {{cite web |url=[enllaç sense format] https://nypost.com/2016/10/12/this-isnt-your-mothers-betty-crocker-cookbook/
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- ↑ Zoshindo Arxivat 12 February 2008 a Wayback Machine.
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- ↑ The New York Times Arxivat 2013-04-30 a Wayback Machine. (9 gener 2005)
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- ↑ 314,0 314,1 Nihon Keizai Shimbun morning edition, 10 gener 2005.
- ↑ 70 Years of Best Sellers. Nova York, London: R. R. Bowker, 1967, p. 78.
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- ↑ Alice Payne Hackett. 70 Years of Best Sellers. Nova York, London: R. R. Bowker, 1967, p. 12,40,79.
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- ↑ «Tsukuda Takichi Akahon No Page». Ne.jp. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-01-10. [Consulta: 31 agost 2009].
- ↑ Paper.people.com.cn Arxivat 2011-07-21 a Wayback Machine. (June 29, 2009)