动物界 Animalia
脊索动物门 Chordata
爬行綱 Reptilia
龜鱉目 Testudines
曲颈龟亚目 Cryptodira
地龜科 Geoemydidae
黑龟属 Melanochelys
黑山龜 M. trijuga
Melanochelys trijuga
異名 [ 2]
Melanochelys trijuga trijuga
Emys trijuga Schweigger, 1812
Emys belangeri Lesson, 1834
Clemmys (Clemmys) trijuga Fitzinger, 1835
Melanochelys trijuga Gray, 1869
Emys trijuga var. madraspatana Anderson, 1879
Clemmys theobaldi Lydekker, 1885
Bellia theobaldi Lydekker, 1889
Nicoria trijuga Boulenger, 1889
Geoemyda [trijuga] trijuga Siebenrock, 1909
Geoemyda trijuga plumbea Annandale, 1915
Melanochelys trijuga Deraniyagala, 1939
Melanochelys trijuga trijuga Pritchard, 1979
Melanochelys triguja Highfield, 1996 (ex errore )
Melanochelys trijuga coronata
Emys trijuga var. coronata Anderson, 1879
Nicoria trijuga var. coronata Bruner, 1908
Geoemyda trijuga coronata Siebenrock, 1909
Melanochelys trijuga coronata Pritchard, 1979
Melanochelys trijuga edeniana
Melanochelys edeniana Theobald, 1876
Emys trijuga var. burmana Anderson, 1879
Nicoria trijuga var. edeniana Boulenger, 1889
Geoemyda trijuga edeniana Siebenrock, 1909
Melanochelys trijuga edeniana Deraniyagala, 1939
Emys trijuga edeniana Bourret, 1941
Geoemyda trijuga wiroti Reimann, 1979
Melanochelys trijuga wiroti Stubbs, 1989
Melanochelys edeniana edeniana Bour, 2002
Melanochelys edeniana wiroti Bour, 2002
Melanochelys trijuga indopeninsularis
Geoemyda indopeninsularis Annandale, 1913
Geoemyda trijuga indopeninsularis Smith, 1931
Melanochelys trijuga indopeninsularis Deraniyagala, 1939
Melanochelys edeniana indopeninsularis Bour, 2002
Melanochelys trijuga parkeri
Melanochelys trijuga parkeri Deraniyagala, 1939
Geoemyda trijuga parkeri Mertens & Wermuth, 1955
Melanochelys trijuga thermalis
Emys thermalis Lesson, 1830
Emys sebae Gray, 1831
Emys seba Gray, 1844 (ex errore)
Geoclemys seba Gray, 1856
Clemmys thermalis Strauch, 1862
Melanochelys sebae Gray, 1870
Emys trijuga var. sebae Anderson, 1879
Nicoria trijuga var. thermalis Boulenger, 1889
Geoemyda trijuga thermalis Siebenrock, 1909
Melanochelys trijuga thermalis Deraniyagala, 1939
黑山龜 (學名 :Melanochelys trijuga )是黑龜屬 下的一種龜 。分佈在南亞 地區的淡水中。
昌巴尔河 的黑山龜
其貝殼顏色從深褐色到黑色不等,胸甲呈褐色,頭部有黃色或橘黃色條紋。其體型在38—45 cm(15—18英寸)之間。[ 3]
其被列為《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》附錄二 的物種 ,被限制出口及貿易。
Asian Turtle Trade Working Group. Melanochelys trijuga . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2000 . [11 May 2006] .
Mitchell, Joseph C.;Rhodin, Anders G. J. 1996 Observations on the natural history and exploitation of the turtles of Nepal, with life history notes on Melanochelys trijuga. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2 (1): 66-72
Schweigger, A.F. 1812 Prodromus Monographia Cheloniorum auctore Schweigger. Königsberg. Arch. Naturwiss. Mathem., 1: 271-368, 406-458.
Mukherjee, D., A.M.A. Nixon and S. Bhupathy. 2006 Observations on the Morphometry of two subspecies of Melanochelys trijuga from the Western Ghats, India. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 9, 7-9.