^Haeyoung Jeong. Archaeology of Psychotherapy in Korea: A Study of Korean Therapeutic Work and Professional Growth. Routledge. 2014. ISBN 9781317643425. According to the Korea Worshipers Association, there were an esitmated 1,000,000 mudangs in 2010.
^Robert Koehler. Religion in Korea: Harmony and Coexistence. Seoul Selection. 2015. ISBN 9781624120459.
^Choe Sang-Hun. In the age of the Internet, Korean shamans regain popularity. New York Times. 2007-07-06 [2017-12-18]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-01). There are an estimated 300,000 shamans, ... according to the Korea Worshipers Association, which represents shamans.
^Korean Shamanism - Muism. worldatlas. [2017-12-18]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-29). Today, an estimated 16% of the population of North Korea identify as Muist believers. The South Korean government has proclaimed the importance of Shamanism to Korean culture and beginning in the 1970’s, more South Koreans began to practice Muism. Approximately 8% of the population identifies with Muism.
^안동근현대사 [Andong National: Modern and Contemporary history](PDF). andong.go.kr: 228. 15 December 2010. (原始内容(PDF)存档于10 December 2014) (韩语). 문화관광부의 2005년 5월 자료에 따르면 우리나라에는 907개의 사찰이 있는데, 이를 종단별로 보면, 대한불교조계종 735개소(81%), 한국불교태 고종 102개소(11%), 대한불교법화종 22개소(2%), 선학원 16개소(2%), 대한불교원효종 5개소(1%), 기타 27개소(3%) 순이다.
^Kwon, Okyun. Buddhist and protestant Korean immigrants: religious beliefs and socioeconomic aspects of life. LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC. 2003: 137–138. ISBN 978-1-931202-65-7.