グレートフォールズ(英: Great Falls)は、アメリカ合衆国モンタナ州カスケード郡の都市であり、同郡の郡庁所在地である。人口は6万442人(2020年国勢調査)で州内第3の都市である。カスケード郡全体を含むグレートフォールズ都市圏の中心都市である。グレートフォールズという名前は、1805年から1806年に挙行されたルイス・クラーク探検隊で10マイル (16 km) の距離を31日間も掛けて陸路を進まなければならなかった一連の5つの滝に因むものである。その陸路のうち2カ所の未開発部はグレートフォールズ・ポーテージに含まれ国定歴史史跡に登録されている。
グレートフォールズは急速に工業と物流の中心として発展し、1900年代初期までにモンタナ州では最大級の都市になるところだった。西部開拓時代の有名画家チャールズ・マリオン・ラッセルの鄙びたスタジオが人気を呼び、名画『ミズーリ川のグレートフォールズ』があったので、これが市の名前になった。市内最大の雇用主アナコンダ銅山会社の製錬所に高さ508フィート (155 m) と「世界最高の煙突」が1908年に完成した。この煙突は直ぐに地域社会の目印になったが、1983年に老朽化のために解体された。しかし、解体にあたった作業者達は最初の試みではそれを成し遂げられず、半分程残ったままになった。数日後解体班が戻ってきて解体を完了した。
グレートフォールズ市はグレートフォールズ構造プレートの上にある。このプレートは北アメリカ大陸の一部を形成した太古代期の2つの地質区基盤岩間の大陸内せん断帯である[24]。グレートフォールズは、最終氷期に北アメリカの大半を覆ったローレンタイド氷河の南端にあたっている。約150万年前、ミズーリ川は北に流れて内陸湖に流れ込んでいた[25][26]。ローレンタイド氷河がその流れを南に押しやった[25][27]。紀元前15000年から同11000年にローレンタイド氷河がミズーリ川を堰き止め、氷河湖グレートフォールズを造った[27][28][1]。紀元前13000年頃、氷河が後退し、氷河湖グレートフォールズは氷河湖決壊洪水で破壊的に水が無くなった[1]。現在のミズーリ川の流れは基本的にローレンタイド氷河の南縁に沿っている[29]。ミズーリ川は氷河を東に回り込み、現在の流れになった[25]。氷河が後退すると、氷河湖グレートフォールズから出た水はハイウッド山脈を抜けて、世界でも有名な前史溶融水浸食渓谷である深さ500フィート (150 m) の長いショーキン・サッグを形成した[30]。
^Davis, L.B., Hill, Christopher L.; and Fisher, Jr., Jack W. "Radiocarbon Dates for Paleoindian Components (Folsom, Scottsbluff) at the MacHaffie Site, West-Central Montana Rockies." Current Research in the Pleistocene. 19 (2002); Hill, Christopher L. "Middle and Late Wisconsin (Late Pleistocene) Paleoenvironmental Records from the Rocky Mountains: Lithostratigraphy and Geochronology of Blacktail Cave, Montana, U.S.A." Current Research in the Pleistocene. 18 (2001); Marsters, B.; Spiker, E.; and Rubin, M. "U.S. Geological Survey Radiocarbon Dates X." Radiocarbon. 11 (1969); Harrington, C.R. Annotated Bibliography of Quaternary Vertebrates of Northern North America: With Radiocarbon Dates. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. ISBN 080204817X
^Strohmaier, David Jon. Drift Smoke: Loss and Renewal in a Land of Fire. Las Vegas, Nev.: University of Nevada Press, 2005. ISBN 0874176212
^ abcdMalone, Michael P.; Roeder, Richard B.; and Lang, William L. Montana: A History of Two Centuries. 2d rev. ed. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2003. ISBN 0295971290
^ abcdefghFederal Writers' Project. Montana: A State Guide Book. Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, 1939. ISBN 1603540253
^Fleming, Thomas J. The Louisiana Purchase. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2003. ISBN 0471267384
^Ambrose, Stephen. Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. ISBN 0684826976; Gilman, Carolyn. Lewis and Clark: Across the Divide. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 2003. ISBN 1588340996; Lavender, David. The Way to the Western Sea: Lewis and Clark Across the Continent. New York: Harpercollins, 1988. ISBN 0060159820
^Pritchett, Michael. The Melancholy Fate of Capt. Lewis. Columbia, Mo.: Unbridled Books, 2007. ISBN 1932961410
^Betts, Robert B. In Search of York: The Slave Who Went to the Pacific With Lewis and Clark. Boulder, Colo.: Colorado Associated University Press, 1985. ISBN 0-8708-1714-0; Hancock, Sibyl. Famous Firsts of Black Americans. Gretna, La.: Pelican Publishing Company, 1983. ISBN 0882892401; Doig, Ivan. English Creek. New York: Atheneum, 1984. ISBN 0689114788
^Saindon, Robert A. Explorations Into the World of Lewis and Clark. Vol. 3. Scituate, Mass.: Digital Scanning Inc, 2003. ISBN 1582187665
^O'Neal, Bill. Fighting Men of the Indian Wars: A Biographical Encyclopedia of the Mountain Men, Soldiers, Cowboys, and Pioneers Who Took Up Arms During America's Westward Expansion. Stillwater, Okla.: Barbed Wire Press, 1991. ISBN 093526907X
^Allen, John Logan. North American Exploration: A Continent Comprehended. Vol. 3. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1997. ISBN 0803210434
^McManus, Sheila. The Line Which Separates: Race, Gender, and the Making of the Alberta-Montana Borderlands. Calgary: University of Alberta, 2005. ISBN 0888644345; Evans, Sterling. The Borderlands of the American and Canadian Wests: Essays on Regional History of the Forty-Ninth Parallel. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 2006. ISBN 0803218265
^Tubbs, Stephenie Ambrose and Jenkinson, Clay. The Lewis and Clark Companion: An Encyclopedic Guide to the Voyage of Discovery. New York: Macmillan, 2003. ISBN 0805067264; Miller, James Knox Polk. The Road to Virginia City: The Diary of James Knox Polk Miller. Stillwater, Okla.: University of Oklahoma, 1960.
^Cutright, Paul Russell and Brodhead, Michael J. Elliott Coues: Naturalist and Frontier Historian. Reprint ed. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 2001. ISBN 0252069870
^Luebke, Frederick C. Nebraska: An Illustrated History. 2d ed. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 2005. ISBN 0803280424
^Lamar, Howard Roberts. Dakota Territory, 1861-1889: A Study of Frontier Politics. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1956; History of Southeastern Dakota. Sioux City, Iowa: Western Publishing Company, 1881.
^Rees, John E. Idaho Chronology, Nomenclature, Bibliography. Chicago: W.B. Conkey Co., 1918.
^ abcdefRoeder, Richard B. "Paris Gibson and the Building of Great Falls." Montana: Magazine of Western History. 42:4 (Autumn 1992).
^ abc"Great Falls, Montana." In Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. David J. Wishart, ed. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 2004. ISBN 0803247877
^ abcMalone, Michael P. James J. Hill: Empire Builder of the Northwest. Reprint ed. Stillwater, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996. ISBN 0806128607
^ abcdeMyers, Rex C. and Fritz, Harry W. Montana and the West: Essays in Honor of K. Ross Toole. Boulder, Colo.: Pruett Publishing Co., 1984. ISBN 0871082292; Martin, Albro. James J. Hill and the Opening of the Northwest. St. Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1991. ISBN 0873512618
^Lutz, Dennis J. Montana Post Offices & Postmasters, p 24, p. 200. (1986) Minot, ND: published by the author & Montana Chapter No. 1, National Association of Postmasters of the United States.
^Boerner, D.E.; Craven, J.A.; Kurtz, R.D.; Ross, G.M.; and Jones, F.W. "The Great Falls Tectonic Zone: Suture or Intracontinental Shear Zone?" Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 35:2 (1998); O'Neill, J. Michael and Lo, David A. "Character and Regional Significance of Great Falls Tectonic Zone, East-Central Idaho and West-Central Montana." AAPG Bulletin. 69 (1985); Mueller, Paul A.; Heatherington, Ann L.; Kelly, Dawn M.; Wooden, Joseph L.; and Mogk, David W. "Paleoproterozoic Crust Within the Great Falls Tectonic Zone: Implications for the Assembly of Southern Laurentia." Geology. 30:2 (February 2002); Harms, Tekla A.; Brady, John B.; Burger, H. Robert; and Cheney, John T. "Advances in the Geology of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, and Their Implications for the History of the Northern Wyoming Province." Precambrian geology of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana. Special Papers, Volume 377. John B. Brady, H. Robert Burger, John T. Cheney, and Tekla A. Harms, eds. Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America, 2004. ISBN 0813723779
^ abcClawson, Roger and Shandera, Katherine A. Billings: The City and the People. Helena, Mont.: Farcountry Press, 1998. ISBN 1560370378
^McRae, W.C. and Jewell, Judy. Moon Montana. 7th ed. Cambridge, Mass.: PublicAffairs, 2009. ISBN 1598800140
^ abMontagne J.L. "Quatenary System, Wisconsin Glaciation." Geologic Atlas of the Rocky Mountain Region. Denver: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, 1972.
^Hill, Christopher L. and Valppu, Seppo H. "Geomorphic Relationships and Paleoenvironmental Context of Glaciers, Fluvial Deposits, and Glacial Lake Great Falls, Montana." Current Research in the Pleistocene. 14 (1997); Hill, Christopher L. "Pleistocene Lakes Along the Southwest Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet." Current Research in the Pleistocene. 17 (2000); Hill, Christopher L. and Feathers, James K. "Glacial Lake Great Falls and the Late-Wisconsin-Episode Laurentide Ice Margin." Current Research in the Pleistocene. 19 (2002); Reynolds, Mitchell W. and Brandt, Theodore R. Geologic Map of the Canyon Ferry Dam 30' x 60' Quadrangle, West-Central Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2860, scale 1:100,000. Scientific Investigations Map 2860. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Geologic Survey, 2005.
^"Agriculture." In Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. David J. Wishart, ed. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 2004. ISBN 0803247877
^Axline, Jon and Bradshaw, Glenda Clay. Montana's Historical Highway Markers. Rev. ed. Helena, Mont.: Montana Historical Society, 2008. ISBN 0975919644; Bowman, Isaiah. "Forest Physiography: Physiography of the United States and Principles of Soils in Relation to Forestry." American Environmental Studies. Reprint ed. Charles Gregg, ed. New York: Arno Press, 1970. ISBN 0405026595
^Botkin, Daniel B. Beyond the Stony Mountains: Nature in the American West from Lewis and Clark to Today. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. ISBN 0195162439
^Fisher, Cassius A. "Geology of the Great Falls Coal Field, Montana." Bulletin - United States Geological Survey. Issue 356. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1909.
^DeCelles, Peter G. "Sedimentation in a Tectonically Partitioned, Nonmarine Foreland Basin: The Lower Cretaceous Kootenai Formation, Southwestern Montana." Geological Society of America Bulletin. 97:8 (August 1986).