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オリバー・E・バックリー凝縮系賞(Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize)は、アメリカ物理学会により「凝縮系物理学に対する卓越した理論的もしくは実験的貢献を認識し、奨励するために」毎年授与される賞。卓越した科学的研究を認識する手段としてAT&Tベル研究所により寄付を受けている。その名はベル研究所の元所長であるオリバー・エルズワース・バックリーに敬意を表してつけられている。



受賞者 所属 業績
1953 ウィリアム・ショックレー ベル研究所 For contributions to the physics of semiconductors
1954 ジョン・バーディーン ベル研究所 For contributions to the physics of semiconductor surfaces
1955 LeRoy Apker General Electric Research Laboratory For contributions to the understanding of excitation energy in crystals
1956 クリフォード・シャル マサチューセッツ工科大学 For his work on applications of neutron diffraction to investigate the structures of solids, particularly those of magnetic solids
1957 チャールズ・キッテル カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 For his work on applications of magnetic resonance methods to investigations of the electronic structure of solids
1958 ニコラス・ブルームバーゲン ハーバード大学 For his studies of magnetic resonance, both nuclear and electronic and of its uses in the investigation of solids, liquids and gases
1959 Conyers Herring スタンフォード大学 For his interpretation of the transport properties of semiconductors
1960 Benjamin Lax マサチューセッツ工科大学 For his fundamental contributions in microwave and infrared spectroscopy of semiconductors
1961 ウォルター・コーン カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 For his extension and elucidation of the foundations of the electron theory of solids
1962 バートラム・ブロックハウス マックマスター大学 For his outstanding contributions to the neutron scattering studies of plasma and spin-wave spectra in solids
1963 William M. Fairbank スタンフォード大学 For his work on the properties of He3 and especially for his part in the experimental discovery of flux quantization in superconductors
1964 フィリップ・アンダーソン プリンストン大学 For his contribution concerning many-body and superexchange interactions, which have led to a new theoretical in-sights into superconductivity, liquid He3, plasmons and magetism
1965 アイヴァー・ジェーバー General Electric Research Laboratory For being first to use electron tunneling in the study of the energy gap in super-conductors and for demonstrating the power of this technique
1966 セオドア・メイマン Hughes Research Laboratories For having been the first to demonstrate experimentally the generation and amplification of optical radiation in solid crystals by stimulated emissions
1967 Harry G. Drickamer イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校 For experimental inventiveness, originality and physical insight leading to significant results on the effects of extreme pressures on the electronic and molecular structure of solids
1968 ジョン・ロバート・シュリーファー ペンシルベニア大学 For his contributions to many-body theory and its application to the interpretation of experiments, especially in the field of superconductivity
1969 ジョン・ホップフィールド プリンストン大学 For their joint work combining theory and experiment which has advanced the understanding of the interaction of light with solids
D. G. Thomas ベル研究所
1970 Theodore H. Geballe スタンフォード大学 For their joint experimental investigations of superconductivity which have challenged theoretical understanding and opened up the technology of high field superconductors
ベルント・T・マティアス カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校
1971 アーウィン・ハーン カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 For his study of the transient response of solids under the action of electromagnetic pulses
1972 James C. Phillips ベル研究所 For his synthesis of theoretical and empirical knowledge of band structures and optical properties, and for his use of this understanding to unify the physical and chemical approaches to crystalline bonding
1973 白根元 ブルックヘブン国立研究所 For his broad contributions to the understanding of structural phase transitions by means of inelastic neutron scattering
1974 マイケル・ティンカム ハーバード大学 For his experimental investigations of the electromagnetic properties of superconductors
1975 アルバート・オーバーハウザー パデュー大学 For his invention of dynamic nuclear polarization and for the stimulation provided by his studies of instabilities of the metallic state
1976 ジョージ・フェーエル カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 For his development of electron nuclear double resonance, and the application of spin resonance to a wide range of problems in the physics of condensed matter
1977 レオ・カダノフ ブラウン大学 For his contributions to the conceptual understanding of the phase transitions and to the theory of critical phenomena
1978 George D. Watkins リーハイ大学 For outstanding contributions to the understanding of radiation-induced defects in semiconductors by the imaginative use of experimental techniques and theoretical models
1979 マーヴィン・コーエン カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 For timely explanations and novel predictions of electronic properties of solids through the imaginative use of quantum mechanical calculations
1980 William E. Spicer スタンフォード大学 For their effective development and application of photoelectron spectroscopy as an indispensable tool for study of bulk and surface electronic structure of solids
Dean E. Eastman IBM基礎研究所
1981 デビッド・リー コーネル大学 For their discovery and pioneering research on the superfluid phases of He3
ダグラス・D・オシェロフ Bell Labs
1982 バートランド・ハルペリン ハーバード大学 For his contributions to the understanding of the changes in matter at phase transitions, especially phenomena occur-ring in magnets, superconductors, and two dimensional solids
1983 アラン・ヒーガー カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校 For his studies of conducting polymers and organic solids, and in particular for his leadership in our understanding of the properties of quasi-one-dimensional conductors
1984 ダニエル・ツイ(崔琦) プリンストン大学 For the discovery of the fractional quantized Hall effect
ホルスト・ルートヴィヒ・シュテルマー Bell Labs
1985 Robert O. Pohl コーネル大学 For his pioneering work on low energy excitations in amorphous materials and continued important contributions to the understanding of thermal transport in solids
1986 ロバート・B・ラフリン スタンフォード大学 For his contribution to our understanding of the quantum Hall effect.
1987 Robert J. Birgeneau マサチューセッツ工科大学 For his use of neutron and x-ray scattering experiments to determine the phases and phase transitions of low dimensional systems
1988 Frank F. Fang (方復) IBM基礎研究所 For a series of pioneering experiments which led to fundamental discoveries in the study of two dimensional electron transport phenomena in silicon inversion layers
Alan B. Fowler
Phillip J. Stiles ブラウン大学
1989 Hellmut Fritzsche シカゴ大学 For his seminal transport studies of impurity band conduction near the metal-insulator transition and his leadership in our understanding of amorphous semi-conductors
1990 David Edwards ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所 For central contributions to the physics of He3 - He4 mixtures of liquid and solid helium surfaces, and of spin waves in liquid He3
1991 Patrick A. Lee (李雅達) マサチューセッツ工科大学 For his innovative contributions to the theory of electronic properties of solids, especially of strongly interacting and disordered materials
1992 Richard A. Webb IBM基礎研究所 For his discovery of universal conductance fluctuations and the h/e Aharonov Bohm effect in small disordered metallic conductors, and his leadership role in elucidating the physics of mesoscopic system
1993 ダンカン・ホールデン プリンストン大学 For his contribution to the theory of low-dimensional quantum systems.
1994 Aron Pinczuk Bell Labs
1995 Rolf Landauer IBM基礎研究所 For his invention of the scattering theory approach to the analysis and modeling of electronic transport.
1996 Charles Pence Slichter イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校 For his original and creative applications of the magnetic resonance techniques to elucidate the microscopic properties of condensed matter systems including, especially, superconductors.
1997 James S. Langer カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校 For contributions to the theory of the kinetics of phase transitions particularly as applied to nucleation and dendritic growth.
1998 Dale J. van Harlingen イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校 For using phase-sensitive experiments in the elucidation of the orbital symmetry of the pairing function in high-Tc superconductors.
Donald M. Ginsberg
John R. Kirtley IBM基礎研究所
Chang C. Tsuei(崔章琪)
1999 Sidney R. Nagel シカゴ大学 For his innovative studies of disordered systems ranging from structural glasses to granular materials.
2000 Gerald J. Dolan Immunicon Corporation For pioneering contributions to single electron effects in mesoscopic systems.
Theodore A. Fulton Bell Labs
Marc A. Kastner マサチューセッツ工科大学
2001 Alan Harold Luther 北欧理論物理学研究所 For fundamental contribution to the theory of interacting electrons in one dimension.
Victor John Emery ブルックヘブン国立研究所
2002 Jainendra Jain ペンシルベニア州立大学 For theoretical and experimental work establishing the composite fermion model for the half-filled Landau level and other quantized Hall systems.
Nicholas Read イェール大学
Robert Willett Bell Labs
2003 Boris Altshuler プリンストン大学 For fundamental contributions to the understanding of the quantum mechanics of electrons in random potentials and confined geometries, including pioneering work on the interplay of interactions and disorder.
2004 Tom C. Lubensky ペンシルベニア大学 For seminal contributions to the theory of condensed matter systems including the prediction and elucidation of the properties of new, partially ordered phases of complex materials.
David R. Nelson ハーバード大学
2005 デイビッド・オーシャロム カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校 For fundamental contributions to experimental studies of quantum spin dynamics and spin coherence in condensed matter systems.
Myriam Sarachik ニューヨーク市立大学
Gabriel Aeppli London Center for Nanotechnology
2006 Noel A. Clark コロラド大学ボルダー校 For groundbreaking experimental and theoretical contributions to the fundamental science and applications of liquid crystals, particularly their ferroelectric and chiral properties.
Robert Meyer ブランダイス大学
2007 James P. Eisenstein カリフォルニア工科大学 For fundamental experimental and theoretical research on correlated many-electron states in low-dimensional systems.
Steven M. Girvin イェール大学
アラン・H・マクドナルド テキサス大学オースティン校
2008 ミルドレッド・ドレッセルハウス マサチューセッツ工科大学 For pioneering contributions to the understanding of electronic properties of materials, especially novel forms of carbon.
2009 Jagadeesh Moodera マサチューセッツ工科大学 For pioneering work in the field of spin-dependent tunneling and for the application of these phenomena to the field of magnetoelectronics.
Paul Tedrow
Robert Meservey
宮﨑照宣 東北大学
2010 Alan L. Mackay バークベック・カレッジ, ロンドン大学 For pioneering contributions to the theory of quasicrystals, including the prediction of their diffraction pattern.
Dov Levine イスラエル工科大学
ポール・スタインハート プリンストン大学
2011 Juan Carlos Campuzano アルゴンヌ国立研究所 For innovations in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, which advanced the understanding of the cuprate superconductors, and transformed the study of strongly-correlated electronic systems.
Peter Johnson ブルックヘブン国立研究所
Zhi-Xun Shen (沈志勛) スタンフォード大学
2012 チャールズ・L・ケーン ペンシルベニア大学 For the theoretical prediction and experimental observation of the quantum spin Hall effect, opening the field of topological insulators.
Laurens W. Molenkamp ユリウス・マクシミリアン大学ヴュルツブルク
張首晟 スタンフォード大学
2013 John Slonczewski IBM基礎研究所 For predicting spin-transfer torque and opening the field of current-induced control over magnetic nanostructures.
Luc Berger カーネギーメロン大学
2014 金必立 コロンビア大学 For his discoveries of unconventional electronic properties of graphene.
2015 Aharon Kapitulnik スタンフォード大学 For discovery and pioneering investigations of the superconductor-insulator transition, a paradigm for quantum phase transitions.
Allen Goldman ミネソタ大学ツインシティー校
Arthur F. Hebard フロリダ大学
Matthew P. A. Fisher カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校
2016 エリー・ヤブロノビッチ カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 For seminal achievements in solar cells and strained quantum well lasers, and especially for creating the field of photonic crystals, spanning both fundamental science and practical applications of that science.
2017 アレクセイ・キタエフ カリフォルニア工科大学 For theories of topological order and its consequences in a broad range of physical systems.
文小剛 マサチューセッツ工科大学
2018 Paul Chaikin ニューヨーク大学 For pioneering contributions that opened new directions in the field of soft condensed matter physics through innovative studies of colloids, polymers, and packing.
2019 Alexei L. Efros ユタ大学 For pioneering research in the physics of disordered materials and hopping conductivity.
Boris I. Shklovskii ミネソタ大学ツインシティー校
Elihu Abrahams カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校
2020 Pablo Jarillo-Herrero マサチューセッツ工科大学 For the discovery of superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene.
2021 Moty Heiblum ワイズマン科学研究所 For discoveries, enabled by ingenious experimental methods, of novel quantum electronic phenomena in mesoscopic and quantum Hall systems, including observation and interpretation of one-electron and two-electron interference, charge fractionalization, and quantized heat conductance in fractional Hall states.
2022 Emmanuel Rashba ハーバード大学 For pioneering research on spin-orbit coupling in crystals, particularly the foundational discovery of chiral spin-orbit interactions, which continue to enable new developments in spin transport and topological materials
Gene Dresselhaus マサチューセッツ工科大学
2023 Ali Yazdani プリンストン大学 For innovative applications of scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to complex quantum states of matter.
J. C. Séamus Davis オックスフォード大学
2024 Ashvin Vishwanath ハーバード大学 For groundbreaking theoretical and experimental studies on the collective electronic properties of materials that reflect topological aspects of their band structure
Qikun Xue (薛其坤) 清華大学
2025 Steven Kivelson スタンフォード大学 For broad and insightful theoretical contributions that have significantly advanced the understanding of correlated quantum systems.


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