Disney's Sing Me a Story with Belle is an American live-action/animated television series created by Patrick Davidson and Melissa Gould. The series features Belle from Disney's 1991 animated feature film Beauty and the Beast, who now owns and manages the bookshop in the village. She is usually greeted by children who would like to hear a story. Belle interacts with the children and narrates vintage Disney animated shorts while doing activities around the bookstore. The series premiered on September 8, 1995, on Disney Channel.
According to Ken Weiner, vice president at Buena Vista Television, using vintage Disney animated shorts allows the show to present a higher quality of animation than would normally be feasible in an educational show that would meet the Federal Communications Commission's E/I standards.[1]
By early 1995, it was said that the show would present two short films per episode (with updated music and voices), which Belle and the children would sometimes interrupt for discussion purposes or to "test cognitive abilities".[1]
Belle (Lynsey McLeod) lives in France and owns her own book and music shop after marrying her Prince. Helping her at the bookstore are Lewis and Carroll, two magical bookworms, Harmony the Cat and Big Book, a large talking book on a book stand. The bookstore is visited by local children to whom Belle will sing songs and tell stories, usually with a moral relating to something that's happened that day. The show's format bears resemblance to Adventures in Wonderland in nature with some valuable lessons borrowed from Sesame Street like never giving up and working together.
Clips from vintage Disney cartoons would often be used to illustrate the stories, including:
Chris is about to give up on learning a musical piece on the piano that he will be playing at the village fair because it is too hard and Brioche reminds Belle that she has to bake 200 chocolate chip cookies for the village fair and is not sure that she can do it.
This series premiered in First-run syndication in select markets as a sneak preview on September 8, 1995. In August 1996, two videos featuring two episodes each were released as part of the Disney Princess Collection: Chapters of Enchantment and Beauty and the World of Music. In August 1999, two episodes from the first season were released with an episode of an abandoned Beauty and the Beast animated series on the direct-to-video film Belle's Tales of Friendship.