Saving the Titanic
Saving the Titanic, aired in Germany as Die Helden der Titanic, is 2012 Irish-German television docudrama directed by Maurice Sweeney, and written by Colin Heber-Percy and Lyall Watson. Unlike most films and series depicting the ship's passengers and senior crew, Saving the Titanic dramatizes the engineers and the boiler room crew who kept the furnaces and generators running as the Titanic sank, facilitating the survival of others.[3] "100 years after the sinking of the Titanic, Saving the Titanic is the untold story of the self-sacrifice and dignity of the ship’s engineers, stokers and firemen in the face of impending death."[4] Cast
SoundtrackAll music is composed by Steve Lynch[5]
ReleaseSaving the Titanic had a limited theatrical release in the United Kingdom, screening in 12 cinemas as part of the British Independent Film Festival. The film was also broadcast internationally; by May 2013, it was estimated that 10 million people had seen the film.[6] Accolades