Princess Power is an American animated television series based on the 2005 book of the same name by Savannah Guthrie and Allison Oppenheim, which was created by Elise Allen. The series' first episode was released on YouTube on January 16, 2023 and it was called "Unstoppable Unpoppable Princesses" but it was called "Unstoppable Unpoppable Bubble" due to misnaming on the Netflix Jr. YouTube channel. The series was released on Netflix on January 30, 2023.[1] A second season was released on October 23, 2023. A third season was released on May 20, 2024.[2]
In each episode of Princess Power, the four princesses help the people in their lives as well as the "Frutizens" of their "Fruitdoms" with any problems they may have using whimsical problem solving. While helping, they regularly sing songs about teamwork and being true to oneself.[3]
Dana Heath as Kira Kiwi
Madison Calderon as Beatrice “Bea” Gertrude Ingeborg Blueberry
Development of Princess Power began in 2018 after it was optioned by Atomic Cartoons.[4]
It was important for the show to examine the aspects embodied by traditional animated princesses and look at how it might be possible to preserve the elements that draw so many people towards them, especially young children, but evolve that definition to prioritize being more active, empathetic, and to also just be yourself.[5][6]
The fundamental DNA of the show revolves around the understanding that "Princess is a verb, not a noun". This crystallization came from showrunner Elise Allen after reading Princesses Wear Pants. The core message of the show is that "it's not what you wear but what you do that makes all the difference".[7]
For executive producer Savannah Guthrie, It was important that, "You don't have to see a carbon copy of yourself. You just have to see an aspect that you can connect with and that tells you you're accepted". One example of this in the show is by Princess Beatrice having gay dads.[8]
On January 27, 2023, songs from the first season were released on multiple streaming services.[9]
All tracks are written by JP Rende, Kathryn Raio-Rende, and Alana Da Fonseca
Princess Power (Soundtrack from the Netflix Series) by Princess Power[10]
"Princess Power Theme Song (from the Netflix Series)"