In 2003 he acted as senior scientist in the Academy of Finland. He has also served as a short-term educational expert in Tanzania, and a consultant and author for the United Nations' World Youth Report 2003.[3]
Suoranta has published extensively in the fields of education, political sociology of education, radical adult education, critical media education, and critical pedagogy belonging to the new, or second, generation of critical pedagogy scholars.[4] In the latter area he has collaborated with Peter McLaren. In his writing Suoranta has been interested in bringing together ideas and material from various disciplines, including media and cultural studies, sociology, educational studies, literature studies and literature.
Suoranta is a member of Editorial Boards of several scientific journals, including Journal of Critical Educational Policy Studies. He has been the President of the Finnish Educational Association Citizen's Forum (SKAF), a major adult education organization in Finland, from 2007 on.[5] Besides English and Finnish, his texts have been published in Estonian, Greek, Norwegian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
In 2007, Suoranta helped found the Paulo Freire Center–Finland,[6] the first Paulo Freire Center in the Nordic countries.[7]
In the Spring 2009 Suoranta provided a hiding place for an Afghan-born underaged asylum seeker, who was about to be deported from Finland to the streets of Athens in Greece without safety. These events are documented in his book Piilottajan päiväkirja (Hidden in Plain Sight).[8]
The Integrated Media Machine I: A Theoretical Framework (Co-edited with Mauri Ylä-Kotola, Sam Inkinen and Jari Rinne), 2000.
The Integrated Media Machine II: Aspects of Internet Culture, Hypertechnologies, and Informal Learning (Co-edited with Mauri Ylä-Kotola and Sam Inkinen), 2001.
Architecture: Theory, Research, and Practice. (with Seppo Aura and Juhani Katainen), 2001.
Children in the Information Society: The Case of Finland (with Hanna Lehtimäki), 2004. ISBN0-8204-6829-0
Artistic Research. Theories, Methods, and Practices (with Mika Hannula and Tere Vadén), 2005. ISBN951-53-2743-1Contents
Education and the Spirit of Time. Historical, Global and Critical Reflections (co-edited with Olli-Pekka Moisio), 2006. Amsterdam: Sense Publishers. ISBN90-77874-17-8Contents
Wikiworld. Political Economy of Digital Literacy, and the Promise of Participatory Media (with Tere Vadén), 2008. ISBN978-951-44-7281-7Download
Havoc of Capitalism. Educating for Social and Environmental Justice (co-edited with Gregory Martin, Donna Houston & Peter McLaren), 2010. Amsterdam: Sense Publishers. [1].
Paulo Freire, a pedagogue of the oppressed, 2019 [6]
Research articles on wikilearning by Juha Suoranta
Leinonen, Teemu, Juha Suoranta & Tere Vadén (2009) Learning in and with an open wiki project: Wikiversity’s potential in global capacity building. First Monday 14 (2). [7]
Renfors, Anna & Suoranta, Juha (2021) Learning Democracy by Doing Wikiversity. In Hoechsmann, M., Thésée, G. & Carr, P. (Eds.) Education for Democracy 2.0. Changing Frames of Media Literacy (pp. 326–344). Brill|Sense.
Suoranta, Juha (2010) Learners and Oppressed Peoples of the World, Wikify! In Malott, Curry & Porfilio, Bradley (Eds.). Critical Pedagogy in the 21st Century: A New Generation of Scholars. Information Age Publishing. [8]
Suoranta, Juha & Tere Vadén (2011) Wikilearning as Radical Equality. In Trifonas, Peter (ed.). Learning in the Virtual: Public Pedagogy in the Digital Age. London & New York: Routledge. [9]
Vadén, Tere & Suoranta, Juha (2008) A Definition and Criticism of Cybercommunism [10]