Dinky Dog
Dinky Dog is a Saturday-morning animated series produced by the Australian division of Hanna-Barbera, which aired on CBS from September 9, 1978, to September 5, 1981. It was Hanna-Barbera's first show created and produced in Australia. Dinky Dog was originally broadcast as an 11-minute segment on The All New Popeye Hour.[1] When The All New Popeye Hour was shortened to a half-hour and retitled The Popeye and Olive Comedy Show in September 1981, Dinky Dog was spun off into a show of its own, packing two 11-minute installments per half-hour episode. SummaryThe show is about two girls: ditzy and beautiful blonde haired Sandy (voiced by Jackie Joseph) and smart, sensible, bespectacled brunette Monica (voiced by Julie Bennett), living with their Uncle Dudley (voiced by Frank Nelson). Sandy buys a cute puppy named Dinky (voiced by Frank Welker), which suddenly grows to the size of a polar bear. Sandy is now stuck dragging Monica into always finding work and different ways to repair the damages Dinky causes at their poor uncle's expense. Sure enough, however, Dinky always seems to fix things in an unexpected way and is forgiven, much to Uncle Dudley's dislike.[2] In the second portion of the series, Dudley takes the nieces for a world tour on a rented leisure boat, giving Dinky a chance to cause mishap on the different continents for more adventures. Episodes
Voice castMain cast
Additional voices
Home mediaVisual Entertainment released Dinky Dog: The Complete Series on DVD in Region 1 (Canada only) on February 19, 2008.[3] In October 2011, VEI (distributed by Millennium Entertainment) released the complete series on DVD in the US.[4]
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