His blog, Radosh.net, was named one of the "top 25 blogs" by Time.com in 2008.[3] As a blogger, he is probably best known for his public dispute with journalist Peter Landesman, who wrote an article about sexual slavery in the January 25, 2004, issue of The New York Times Magazine titled "The Girls Next Door". When Radosh challenged the facts of the article, Landesman threatened legal action against Radosh. A series of articles about the dispute by Jack Shafer in Slate turned the issue of the article's accuracy — and of the legal rights and responsibilities of blogs — into one of the most controversial topics in journalism during the first half of 2004.[4]
Much of Radosh's journalism is on lighter topics, however: the description for his blog is "Pop. Politics. Sex. So On." In pop-culture circles, Radosh is known for his obsession with tracing Huckapoo's attempts to infiltrate popular consciousness. He also runs on his blog the New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest, a spoof of The New Yorker's weekly cartoon caption contest.[3]
Michael Brumm, Nate Charny, Aaron Cohen, Stephen Colbert, Richard Dahm, Paul Dinello, Eric Drysdale, Rob Dubbin, Glenn Eichler, Gabe Gronli, Barry Julien, Jay Katsir, Sam Kim, Matthew Lappin, Frank Lesser, Opus Moreschi, Tom Purcell, Meredith Scardino, and Max Werner (2014)