In 2004, the American Economic Review began requiring "data and code sufficient to permit replication" of a paper's results, which is then posted on the journal's website. Exceptions are made for proprietary data.[3]
Until 2017, the May issue of the American Economic Review, titled the Papers and Proceedings issue, featured the papers presented at the American Economic Association's annual meeting that January. After being selected for presentation, the papers in the Papers and Proceedings issue did not undergo a formal process of peer review.[4][5][6][7] Starting in 2018, papers presented at the annual meetings have been published in a separate journal, AEA Papers and Proceedings, which is released annually in May.[8]
The American Economic Association was founded in 1885. From 1856 until 1907 the association published the Publications of the American Economic Association. The first volume was published in six issues, from March 1886 to January 1887. The second volume in 1887–1888, and so on, until Volume XI in 1896. In that same year an issue with "General Contents and Index of Volumes I to XI" appeared. Most of the volumes contained only one text, for instance volume IV, issue 2 (April 1889) which contained an article by Sidney Webb, entitled "Socialism in England".
In December 1897, a new series started, with only two issues.
In 1900 the third series started, with four issues yearly; this lasted until 1908.[9]
For the next three years the association published what was called The Economic Bulletin. It also appeared in four issues yearly. Every issue of the Bulletin contained a section "Personal and Miscellaneous Notes" and a number of book reviews.[10]
In parallel with the Bulletin, during the years 1908 to 1910 appeared the American Economic Association Quarterly. Its header read "Formerly published under the title of Publications of the American Economic Association and the numbering continued as third series, volumes 9 to 11.[11]
In March 1911, the first issue of The American Economic Review saw the light.
"Optimal Taxation and Public Production I: Production Efficiency" and "Optimal Taxation and Public Production II: Tax Rules" (1971), by Peter A. Diamond and James Mirrlees.
In 2016, an anonymous group of economists collaboratively wrote a note alleging academic misconduct by the authors and editor of a paper published in the American Economic Review.[14][15] The note was published under the name Nicolas Bearbaki in homage to Nicolas Bourbaki.[16]