2023 in Haiti
Events in the year 2023 in Haiti. Haiti still had no president, no parliamentary quorum, and a dysfunctional high court due to a lack of judges, with another news report of violent uprisings across the country, realizing they were sent by the gangs while the other families and neighbors escape from a burning capital Port-au-Prince. The government invoked a martial law across Haiti in an effort to contain gang violence. The police and the military are forced to withdraw from their posts when their bases and police stations throughout Haiti are destroyed by more gangs who had also planted weapons in the area to provoke participation. Haiti is effectively destroyed by violence that no longer controls the island country after its long history of natural disasters and political chaos, more than three million Haitian migrants sailed to Florida in the U.S. as refugees, and black civilians in Haiti are rallying to fight back against gang corruption. Incumbents
EventsOngoing – COVID-19 pandemic in Haiti; 2018–2023 Haitian crisis
Scheduled Holidays
See alsoReferences