1889 Massachusetts legislature
Harris Hartwell, Senate president.
William Barrett, House speaker.
Leaders of the Massachusetts General Court, 1889.
The 110th Massachusetts General Court , consisting of the Massachusetts Senate and the Massachusetts House of Representatives , met in 1889 during the governorship of Oliver Ames . Harris C. Hartwell served as president of the Senate and William Emerson Barrett served as speaker of the House.[ 4]
When in session at the state house in Boston, a few of the legislators stayed overnight in Adams House, the American House , Hotel Brunswick, Norfolk House, Quincy House , Richwood House, or the United States Hotel.[ 5]
Name[ 5]
Date of birth[ 6]
Edwin Baker
January 18, 1843
Benjamin F. Campbell
September 12, 1834
William Alfred Clark
John Aloysius Collins
Benjamin Franklin Cook
Thomas Washburn Cook
September 15, 1837
John Crawford Crosby
June 15, 1859
William Nathaniel Davenport
November 3, 1856
Edward Joseph Donovan
March 15, 1864
James Donovan
May 28, 1859
James Fisher Dwinell
July 23, 1825
Alonzo Hathaway Evans
February 24, 1820
Alfred Swift Fassett
December 5, 1848
David Fisk
May 6, 1838
George Washington Gibson
Jubal Converse Gleason
Daniel Gunn
James H. Harlow
September 11, 1814
Harris Cowdrey Hartwell
Edward Jacob Hathorne
Henry Joseph Hosmer
February 2, 1832
Robert Howard
February 8, 1845
Frank W. Howe
June 3, 1859
Thomas F. Hunt
October 27, 1854
Chester Ward Kingsley
Austin Messinger
Edwin Dickinson Metcalf
March 14, 1848
Edward F. O'Sullivan
June 23, 1858
Moses Poore Palmer
Henry Langdon Parker
October 7, 1834
James Davis Pike
Edwin Lake Pilsbury
Henry Harrison Sprague
August 1, 1841
Charles E. Stevens
April 21, 1843
James Trimble Stevens
Charles Henry Symonds
Enos Houghton Tucker
David Walker
Silas Mandeville Wheelock
Levi Lincoln Whitney
Name[ 5]
Date of birth[ 6]
Warren W. Adams
December 11, 1844
John Albree
March 14, 1829
Jared F. Alden
April 18, 1836
Thomas Alden
August 17, 1827
Montressor Tyler Allen
Richard B. Allen
January 25, 1859
Horace H. Atherton
October 23, 1847
Ralph L. Atherton
June 30, 1842
Harrison Henry Atwood
August 26, 1863
George Ayres
August 26, 1833
Rollin Herbert Babbitt
Lewis M. Bancroft
December 31, 1851
Thomas E. Barker
March 13, 1839
Franklin O. Barnes
November 11, 1841
William Emerson Barrett
December 29, 1858
Richard M. Barry
June 5, 1863
Walter P. Beck
January 20, 1850
Charles H. Bennett
March 11, 1843
John O. Bennett
November 8, 1838
Francis T. Berry
August 18, 1849
Thomas W. Bicknell
September 6, 1834
Alden M. Bigelow
March 28, 1848
Charles Chauncey Bixby
George Bliss
November 20, 1844
Percival Blodgett
July 18, 1841
Andreas Blume
Nelson F. Bond
January 9, 1839
J. Dean Bonney
January 28, 1831
John Bennett Bottum
Joshua L. D. Bowerman
Robert H. Bowman
September 26, 1855
Peter Joseph Brady
October 29, 1861
Edward Winslow Brewer
Charles K. Brewster
June 11, 1843
Asa Olin Brooks
Horace Brooks
July 22, 1835
William Henry Brooks
January 11, 1831
Edward F. Brown
July 11, 1843
Orland J. Brown
February 2, 1848
John H. Burgess
November 25, 1852
James J. Burke
March 4, 1862
Charles Amos Call
Joseph Henry Cannell
George N. Carpenter
January 26, 1840
Peter Thomas Carroll
Charles Ernest Carter
June 1, 1850
Joseph Pike Cheney
Moses Davis Church
Horace E. Clayton
George L. Clemence
February 17, 1852
Nelson B. Conant
December 6, 1845
Thomas H. Connell
September 18, 1849
David Conwell
Louis A. Cook
May 4, 1847
John William Coveney
April 10, 1845
Robert Bruce Crane
James Martin Cronin
Joshua Crowell
John H. Crowley
August 20, 1858
Francis C. Curtis
March 13, 1836
Nahum Sawin Cutler
April 7, 1837
George W. Cutting
November 18, 1834
Frank William Dallinger
June 5, 1852
Luther Dame
March 3, 1826
Epes Davis
March 14, 1824
Joshua H. Davis
November 3, 1814
Thomas Haven Dearing
October 25, 1826
Jeremiah Desmond
May 2, 1853
Henry S. Dewey
Simeon Dodge, Jr.
February 23, 1840
William S. Douglas
April 5, 1836
Hugo A. Dubuque
November 3, 1854
Thomas H. Duggan
March 11, 1848
Lyman R. Eddy
March 21, 1837
John Edwards
December 23, 1852
George D. Eldredge
December 17, 1858
Albert R. Eldridge
September 10, 1850
Thomas George Farren
Myron J. Ferren
August 16, 1836
William F. Ferry
July 4, 1854
Charles N. Foote
December 14, 1848
Jacob Fottler
Henry Frost
Charles B. Gardiner
June 19, 1849
Michael J. Garvey
May 27, 1859
Theodore Giddings
December 5, 1837
John F. Gillespie
April 18, 1855
Gorham D. Gilman
May 29, 1822
Thomas K. Gilman
August 11, 1842
Edward B. Glasgow
William Gordon
John B. Gould
November 29, 1820
Samuel Levis Gracey
Charles Grant, Jr.
June 26, 1844
Robert S. Gray
September 28, 1847
Abner Greenwood
September 10, 1826
William M. Hale
June 26, 1820
Henry D. Hamilton
June 22, 1848
Charles H. Hanson
July 7, 1844
Z. Taylor Harrington
November 14, 1848
Robert O. Harris
November 8, 1854
James W. Harvey
April 10, 1844
Phineas W. Haseltine
May 15, 1846
Forbes P. Haskell
April 6, 1844
Elihu B. Hayes
April 26, 1848
Robert Henry
John E. Heslan
November 11, 1854
John Hildreth
October 18, 1851
William Southerland Hixon
John D. Holbrook
October 6, 1843
Langdon H. Holder
March 10, 1846
Frank E. Holman
August 8, 1853
John F. Howard
March 24, 1843
Herbert W. Howe
December 17, 1842
Charles Howes
December 14, 1833
Willard Howland
December 3, 1852
John F. Hutchinson
January 6, 1856
Henry H. Johnson
March 24, 1840
Jeremiah Joseph Keane
Thomas J. Keliher
October 13, 1858
Horace G. Kemp
August 19, 1849
David B. Kempton
April 25, 1818
Patrick Joseph Kennedy
January 14, 1858
John White Kimball
February 27, 1828
Henry Albert Kimball
May 3, 1842
Rufus Kimball
March 13, 1829
Francis W. Kittredge
June 4, 1843
James Lally
Hiram B. Lane
August 17, 1824
Andrew Berkley Lattimore [ 7]
August 4, 1852
William W. Leach
February 22, 1856
Edward Joseph Leary
May 27, 1860
James D. Lincoln
Stephen S. Littlefield
August 8, 1848
Clarence Parker Lovell
John Macfarlane
June 11, 1841
James Pope Martin
Samuel Walker McCall
February 28, 1851
Thomas McCooey
Peter J. McDonald
May 3, 1860
John H. McDonough
March 29, 1857
John James McDonough
March 15, 1857
Thomas O. McEnaney
October 23, 1857
Michael Joseph McEttrick
June 22, 1848
Daniel McLaughlin
William S. McNary
March 29, 1863
Albert Mead
April 23, 1830
Robert F. Means
August 22, 1838
James H. Mellen
November 7, 1845
Noah F. Mendall
May 2, 1836
John Flint Merrill
January 16, 1849
Albert E. Miller
Henry S. Milton
September 28, 1855
William Henry Monahan
Michael J. Moore
September 23, 1863
Frank Morison
March 18, 1844
I. Porter Morse
April 10, 1861
William H. Murphy
December 18, 1855
Albert H. Newhall
December 25, 1834
Edward M. Nichols
August 22, 1848
William H. Nichols
October 6, 1846
Joseph Nolan
April 27, 1860
John Henry Norcross
October 20, 1841
John William O'Mealey
John William O'Neil
Henry P. Oakman
June 27, 1831
John B. Packard
February 22, 1837
Frank E. Paige
March 22, 1859
Oren B. Parks
December 28, 1846
Joseph A. Patridge
January 3, 1830
George Arthur Perkins
Charles Perry
May 31, 1840
Charles Quincy Pierce
John N. Pierce
December 8, 1833
Baxter P. Pike
February 22, 1845
Omer Pillsbury
November 15, 1853
Alfred Stamm Pinkerton
March 19, 1856
John Wallace Plaisted
Charles French Porter
January 16, 1836
Lurin J. Potter
June 6, 1846
Harvey Hunter Pratt
William Henry Preble
John Jacob Prevaux
March 16, 1857
Ellis B. Purrington
January 31, 1831
Charles C. Putnam
May 28, 1844
Francis Winnie Qua
Dennis Joseph Quinn
Francis Henry Raymond
February 19, 1836
George A. Reed
September 10, 1842
James Henry Richards
Albert E. Richmond
September 23, 1819
Thomas Riley
December 22, 1843
John B. Ripley
July 8, 1849
William R. Rowell
March 19, 1844
Charles Parks Rugg
Irving Levi Russell
Stillman Russell
December 11, 1836
Chester Franklin Sanger
George P. Sanger
September 6, 1852
Edward Payson Shaw
September 1, 1841
Charles H. Shepard
October 19, 1842
George A. Shepard
December 23, 1820
Everett F. Sherman
George Wing Slocum
Winfield Scott Slocum
Anthony Smalley
March 15, 1836
Henry O. Smith
September 15, 1839
Thomas Snow
March 16, 1854
William D. Sohier
October 22, 1858
Charles Edward Spring
William B. Sprout
John H. Stafford
November 16, 1841
Stephen Stanley
June 11, 1842
George C. Stearns
February 12, 1854
Daniel Philmore Stimpson
Martin L. Stover
October 22, 1837
Edward Sullivan
August 14, 1844
John H. Sullivan
June 24, 1850
Michael F. Sullivan
September 21, 1859
George N. Swallow
January 2, 1854
Edgar Sidney Taft
June 30, 1853
Rufus Albert Thayer
Albert Cranston Thompson
Isaac Brownell Tompkins
August 17, 1826
Peletiah R. Tripp
August 15, 1842
Henry Edward Turner
May 4, 1842
Abijah Tyler Wales
Jacob Otis Wardwell
March 14, 1857
William Leonard White
Charles M. Wilcox
August 13, 1861
John H. Wilkins
October 14, 1832
Charles Thomas Witt
July 18, 1848
Samuel Wood
February 13, 1831
Charles Francis Woodward
November 19, 1852
Ira A. Worth
October 23, 1828
William A. Wyckoff
April 30, 1838
Ferdinand Adolphus Wyman
See also
^ "Composition of the Massachusetts State Senate" , Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library , Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
^ "Composition of the State of Massachusetts House of Representatives" , Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library , Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
^ "Length of Legislative Sessions" . Manual for the Use of the General Court . Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2009. p. 348+.
^ "Organization of the Legislature Since 1780" . Manual for the Use of the General Court . Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2009. p. 340+.
^ a b c Manual for the Use of the General Court . Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1889.
^ a b "Annual Register of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government of Massachusetts, 1889" (PDF) , Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts – via State Library of Massachusetts
^ Massachusetts, State Library of; Court, Massachusetts General (2010), Black Legislators in the Massachusetts General Court: 1867-Present , State Library of Massachusetts, hdl :2452/48905
Further reading
External links
Massachusetts General Court, Bills (Legislative Documents) and Journals: 1889 , hdl :2452/619078
Massachusetts Acts and Resolves: 1889 , hdl :2452/83195
Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden
Bristol and Norfolk
Bristol and Plymouth: 1st , 2nd
Cape and Islands
Essex: 1st , 2nd , 3rd
Essex and Middlesex: 1st , 2nd
Hampden and Hampshire: 1st , 2nd
Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester
Middlesex: 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th
Middlesex and Norfolk: 1st , 2nd
Middlesex and Suffolk
Middlesex and Worcester
Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex
Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth
Norfolk and Plymouth
Norfolk and Suffolk
Plymouth and Barnstable
Plymouth and Bristol: 1st , 2nd
Plymouth and Norfolk
Suffolk: 1st , 2nd
Suffolk and Middlesex: 1st , 2nd
Worcester: 1st , 2nd
Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire and Middlesex
Worcester and Middlesex
Worcester and Norfolk
Obsolete districts
Barnstable Berkshire Bristol 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th Cape and Islands Essex
1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th Franklin Hampden 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th Hampshire Middlesex 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th ,
19th ,
20th ,
21st ,
22nd ,
23rd ,
24th ,
25th ,
26th ,
27th ,
28th ,
29th ,
30th ,
31st ,
32nd ,
33rd ,
34th ,
35th ,
36th ,
37th Norfolk
1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th Plymouth 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th Suffolk 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th ,
19th Worcester 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th Defunct districts
Legislative Executive Judicial Independent agencies Law