Genus of trees
Pouteria is a genus of flowering trees in the gutta-percha family , Sapotaceae . The genus is widespread throughout the tropical Americas, with outlier species in Cameroon and Malesia .[ 2] It includes the canistel (P. campechiana ), the mamey sapote (P. sapota ), and the lucuma (P. lucuma ). Commonly, this genus is known as pouteria trees , or in some cases, eggfruits .
Pouteria is related to Manilkara , another genus that produces hard and heavy woods (e.g. balatá , M. bidentata ) used commonly for tropical construction, as well as edible fruit (such as sapodilla , M. zapota ).
Pouteria , as currently delineated, has over 200 species in the tropical Americas, from Mexico to northern Argentina and central Chile, including Florida and the Caribbean islands. Four species are found outside the Americas. Pouteria hexastemon is native to Cameroon in west-central Africa, and three species are native to Indonesia – Pouteria celebica to Sulawesi , Pouteria lucida to Maluku , and Pouteria oxyedra to Sumatra .[ 2]
Fruits of P. ramiflora
Many species, such as Pouteria maclayana ,[ 3] have edible fruits and are important foods, seasonally. Some are being commercially collected and sold on local markets or packed in cans .
Pouteria species yield hard, heavy, resilient woods used as firewood and timber , but particularly in outdoor and naval construction, such as dock pilings , deckings , etc. Some species, such as abiu (P. caimito ), are considered to be shipworm resistant, but this depends on the silica content, which may vary from 0.0-0.9%. The weight by volume (at 12% moisture content) of Pouteria wood can be in excess of 1140 kg/m3 (71 lb/ft3 ; thus, the wood sinks in water. The wood of Pouteria species is prone to considerable movement and warping when it dries out, but in its main use, naval construction, this is not a problem, since the wood never gets really dry.
The vessel elements are relatively small and usually di- to quadriseriate; the medullary rays are fine and close together. Pouteria woods are capable of attaining an excellent polish using fine-grained sandpaper and possibly some wax. They can sometimes show an attractive figure of dark stripes against a sandy to mid-brown background colour. However, the wood is hardly used for furniture because it is so dense that items made from it would be difficult to transport. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to work using hand tools. Even using power tools , working these woods presents some problems, as well, but given some patience and practical knowledge, these can easily be solved.
For the silica to be effective against shipworms, it needs to dry to some degree to harden. When the wood is continually waterlogged, this process may take place very slowly or not at all, leaving the wood vulnerable.
Pouteria foliage is used as food by some Lepidoptera caterpillars , including those of the dalcerid moth Dalcera abrasa , which has been recorded on P. ramiflora . The fruits are important food for various animals, such as the rock-haunting ringtail possum (Petropseudes dahli ).
Due to habitat loss and in some cases overexploitation , many species of Pouteria are threatened . At least 10 are close to extinction , and one – the Rio de Janeiro pouteria (P. stenophylla ), which grew near Rio de Janeiro in Brazil , is now extinct.
Systematics and taxonomy
Pouteria is a "wastebasket taxon ", and its size is continually being expanded or decreased. The segregated Labatia , described by Olof Swartz in 1788 and named after the French botanist Jean-Baptiste Labat , was maintained as a distinct entity until the 1930s, when it was finally synonymized with Pouteria for good. Most segregated genera that were merged with Pouteria again were established by Henri Ernest Baillon and Jean Baptiste Louis Pierre .[ 1]
Accepted species
Plants of the World Online currently accepts 217 species.[ 2]
Pouteria alvesii Alves-Araújo – Brazil (Pernambuco and Bahia)
Pouteria amapaensis Pires & T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amapá)
Pouteria amazonica Radlk. – Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria ambelaniifolia (Sandwith) T.D.Penn. – Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, and northern Brazil
Pouteria amygdalicarpa (Pittier) T.D.Penn. – Nicaragua to Venezuela and Ecuador
Pouteria amygdalina (Standl.) Baehni – southeastern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Costa Rica
Pouteria andarahiensis T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Bahia)
Pouteria anomala (Pires) T.D.Penn. – southern Venezuela and northern Brazil
Pouteria anteridata T.D.Penn. – Venezuela
Pouteria arcuata T.D.Penn. – southeastern Colombia and Venezuela (Amazonas)
Pouteria areolatifolia Lundell – Guatemala (Petén)
Pouteria arguacoensium (H.Karst.) Baehni – Colombia
Pouteria aristata (Britton & P.Wilson) Baehni – Cuba
Pouteria arguacoensium (H.Karst.) Baehni – Colombia
Pouteria aristata (Britton & P.Wilson) Baehni – Cuba
Pouteria atabapoensis (Aubrév.) T.D.Penn. – Venezuela (Amazonas) and Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria atlantica Alves-Araújo & M.Alves – Brazil (southeastern Bahia)
Pouteria aubrevillei Bernardi – northern Brazil, French Guiana, Colombia, and Peru
Pouteria aurea T.D.Penn. – Ecuador
Pouteria austin-smithii (Standl.) Cronquist – Costa Rica and Panama
Pouteria baehniana Monach. – Venezuela to Bolivia
Pouteria bangii (Rusby) T.D.Penn. – northern South America
Pouteria bapeba T.D.Penn. – Brazil (southeastern Bahia to northern Espírito Santo)
Pouteria beaurepairei (Glaz. & Raunk.) Baehni – Brazil (southeastern Bahia to Santa Catarina)
Pouteria belizensis (Standl.) Cronquist – Mexico (Veracruz, Tabasco, Chiapas) to Nicaragua
Pouteria benai (Aubrév. & Pellegr.) T.D.Penn. – French Guiana
Pouteria bilocularis (H.J.P.Winkl.) Baehni – northern South America
Pouteria bonneriana Bernardi – Peru (Loreto)
Pouteria brachyandra (Aubrév. & Pellegr.) T.D.Penn. – Guianas, Brazil (Amapá)
Pouteria bracteata T.D.Penn. – Nicaragua to western Ecuador
Pouteria brevensis Pires – Brazil (Pará)
Pouteria brevipetiolata T.D.Penn. – Ecuador
Pouteria briocheoides Lundell – Mexico (Chiapas) and Guatemala
Pouteria buenaventurensis (Aubrév.) Pilz – Panama to Ecuador
Pouteria bullata (S.Moore) Baehni – Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Paraná)
Pouteria butyrocarpa (Kuhlm.) T.D.Penn. – Brazil (southeastern Bahia to Espírito Santo)
Pouteria caimito (Ruiz & Pav.) Radlk. – abiu – Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, northern South America, and Trinidad and Tobago
Pouteria calistophylla (Standl.) Baehni – Costa Rica and Panama
Pouteria campanulata Baehni – Brazil (Amazonas and Pará)
Pouteria campechiana (Kunth) Baehni – canistel, yellow sapote – Mexico and Central America
Pouteria canaimaensis T.D.Penn. – Venezuela (Bolívar)
Pouteria capacifolia Pilz – Ecuador
Pouteria cayennensis (A.DC.) Eyma – southeastern Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, and northern Brazil
Pouteria celebica Erlee – Sulawesi
Pouteria chiricana (Standl.) Baehni – Costa Rica and Panama
Pouteria chocoensis (Aubrév.) T.D.Penn. – western Colombia
Pouteria cicatricata T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas and Rondônia)
Pouteria ciliata Alves-Araújo & M.Alves – northeastern Brazil
Pouteria cinnamomea (Diels) Baehni – Peru (Cusco)
Pouteria coelomatica Rizzini – Brazil (southeastern Bahia to Rio de Janeiro)
Pouteria collina (Little) T.D.Penn. – Colombia and northern Ecuador
Pouteria condorensis T.D.Penn. – Ecuador
Pouteria confusa Alves-Araújo & M.Alves – Brazil (southeastern Bahia)
Pouteria coriacea (Pierre) Pierre – Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, the Guianas, and northern Brazil
Pouteria crassiflora Pires & T.D.Penn. – Venezuela (Amazonas) and Brazil (Amapá and Pará)
Pouteria cubensis Baehni – Cuba (Sierra Maestra)
Pouteria cuspidata (A.DC.) Baehni – Costa Rica to Bolivia and southeastern Brazil
Pouteria decorticans T.D.Penn. – northwestern Venezuela, northern Brazil, and French Guiana
Pouteria decussata (Ducke) Baehni – Brazil (Pará)
Pouteria dominigensis (C.F.Gaertn.) Baehni – Bahamas, Cuba, Florida, Hispaniola
Pouteria durlandii (Standl.) Baehni – Mexico to Guyana and Bolivia; northeastern to southern Brazil
Pouteria egregia Sandwith – Colombia and northeastern Brazil
Pouteria elegans (A.DC.) Baehni – Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, northern Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia
Pouteria engleri Eyma – Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, and northern Brazil
Pouteria ephedrantha (A.C.Sm.) T.D.Penn. – southeast Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil (Acre)
Pouteria ericoides T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria erythrochrysa T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria espinae (Standl.) Baehni – Colombia
Pouteria eugeniifolia (Pierre) Baehni – Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, and northern Brazil
Pouteria euryphylla (Standl.) Baehni – Panama
Pouteria exfoliata T.D.Penn. – Costa Rica and Panama
Pouteria exstaminodia Pires & T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria filiformis T.D.Penn. – Costa Rica
Pouteria filipes Eyma – Nicaragua and Costa Rica; Venezuela, the Guianas, Peru, and northern, northeastern, and west-central Brazil
Pouteria fimbriata Baehni – Colombia (Caquetá), Venezuela, Guyana, and northern Brazil
Pouteria flavilatex T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria fossicola Cronquist – Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama
Pouteria foveolata T.D.Penn. – Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama
Pouteria fragrans (Pierre) Dubard – Paraguay and northeastern Argentina
Pouteria franciscana Baehni – northern and northeastern Bolivia, northern Brazil, and northeastern Brazil (southeastern Bahia)
Pouteria freitasii T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria fulva T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria furcata T.D.Penn. – northeastern Brazil (Maranhão and Piauí)
Pouteria gabrielensis (Gilly ex Aubrév.) T.D.Penn. – southeastern Colombia, Venezuela, and northern Brazil
Pouteria gallifructa Cronquist – Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and Costa Rica; northeastern Brazil
Pouteria gardneri (Mart. & Eichler) Baehni – Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay
Pouteria gardneriana (A.DC.) Radlk. – northeastern, southeastern, and southern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina
Pouteria gigantea (Diels) Pilz – Ecuador
Pouteria glauca T.D.Penn. – Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, northern and northeastern Brazil, French Guiana, and Suriname
Pouteria glomerata (Miq.) Radlk. – Mexico to northeastern Argentina
Pouteria glomerata subsp. stylosa (Pierre) T.D.Penn. – Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and northern Brazil
Pouteria gomphiifolia (Mart. ex Miq.) Radlk. – Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and northern Brazil
Pouteria gongrijpii Eyma – Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, northern and northeastern Brazil, French Guiana, and Suriname
Pouteria gracilis T.D.Penn. – Peru (San Martín)
Pouteria grandiflora (A.DC.) Baehni – Brazil (eastern Bahia)
Pouteria grandis Eyma – Guianas
Pouteria guianensis Aubl. – Panama, northern South America, and Trinidad
Pouteria hexastemon Baehni – Cameroon
Pouteria hotteana (Urb. & Ekman) Baehni – Haiti and Puerto Rico
Pouteria izabalensis (Standl.) Baehni – Mexico (Chiapas) to Costa Rica
Pouteria jariensis Pires & T.D.Penn. – northern Brazil and French Guiana
Pouteria juruana K.Krause – Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and northern Brazil
Pouteria kaieteurensis T.D.Penn. – Guyana (Kaieteur Plateau )
Pouteria kossmanniae C.C.Vasconcelos & Terra-Araujo – Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria krukovii (A.C.Sm.) Baehni – Colombia, Brazil (Acre), and Peru (Loreto)
Pouteria laevigata (Mart.) Radlk. – Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, northern Brazil, and French Guiana
Pouteria latianthera T.D.Penn. – Venezuela (Amazonas) and Brazil (Amapá)
Pouteria lecythidicarpa P.E.Sánchez & Poveda – Costa Rica
Pouteria leptopedicellata Pilz – Costa Rica to Ecuador
Pouteria longifolia (Mart. & Eichler) T.D.Penn. – Peru (San Martín) and Bolivia (La Paz)
Pouteria lucens (Mart. & Miq.) Radlk. – Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria lucida (H.J.Lam) Baehni – Maluku
Pouteria lucuma (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze – lúcuma, lucumo – Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and northern Chile
Pouteria lucumifolia (Reissek ex Maxim.) T.D.Penn. – Colombia, Venezuela, northern Brazil, Ecuador, Peru
Pouteria macahensis T.D.Penn. – northeastern and eastern Brazil (Pernambuco to Rio de Janeiro)
Pouteria macrocarpa (Mart.) D.Dietr. – Colombia, northern Brazil, and southeastern Brazil
Pouteria macrophylla (Lam.) Eyma – Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, northern, central, and eastern Brazil, Suriname and French Guiana
Pouteria maguirei (Aubrév.) T.D.Penn. – southeast Colombia, Venezuela (Amazonas), and northwestern Brazil
Pouteria manaosensis (Aubrév. & Pellegr.) T.D.Penn. – northern Brazil and Suriname
Pouteria mattogrossensis (Pilg.) Baehni – Brazil (Mato Grosso)
Pouteria maxima T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria megaphylla T.D.Penn. – Ecuador
Pouteria melanopoda Eyma – Suriname and French Guiana
Pouteria micrantha (Urb.) Baehni – eastern Cuba (Lomas de Cuaba and Sierra de Nipe)
Pouteria microstrigosa T.D.Penn. – eastern Brazil (southeastern Bahia, Espírito Santo, and Minas Gerais)
Pouteria minima T.D.Penn. – Venezuela (Bolívar) and Brazil (northwestern Amazonas)
Pouteria mongaguensis Mattos – Brazil (São Paulo)
Pouteria multiflora (A.DC.) Eyma – Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, northern Brazil, Venezuela, and the Caribbean
Pouteria nemorosa Baehni – eastern Bolivia
Pouteria nordestinensis Alves-Araújo & M.Alves – northeastern Brazil
Pouteria nudipetala T.D.Penn. – southeastern Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and northern Brazil
Pouteria oblanceolata Pires – Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, French Guiana, and northern and northeastern Brazil
Pouteria obscura (Huber) Baehni – Brazil (Pará)
Pouteria opposita (Ducke) T.D.Penn. – Peru and northern Brazil
Pouteria oppositifolia (Ducke) Baehni – Brazil (Pará and Amapá)
Pouteria orinocoensis (Aubrév.) T.D.Penn. – central and southern Venezuela
Pouteria oxyedra (Miq.) Baehni – Sumatra
Pouteria oxypetala T.D.Penn. – Brazil (southeastern Bahia to eastern São Paulo)
Pouteria pachycalyx T.D.Penn. – eastern Brazil
Pouteria pachyphylla T.D.Penn. – northern Brazil (Amazonas and Rondônia)
Pouteria pallens T.D.Penn. – northern Brazil (Rondônia)
Pouteria pallida (C.F.Gaertn.) Baehni – Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, Trinidad and Tobago
Pouteria pariry (Ducke) Baehni – northern Brazil
Pouteria penicillata Baehni – Guyana
Pouteria pentamera T.D.Penn. – Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria peruviensis (Aubrév.) Bernardi – Peru (Loreto)
Pouteria petiolata T.D.Penn. – Colombia (Caquetá), northern Brazil (Amazonas and Pará), and central Bolivia
Pouteria pimichinensis T.D.Penn. – Colombia (Guainía) and Venezuela (southeastern Amazonas)
Pouteria pisquiensis Baehni – Peru (Ucayali)
Pouteria platyphylla (A.C.Sm.) Baehni – northern and west-central Brazil (Amazonas and Mato Grosso), Ecuador, and Peru (Loreto)
Pouteria plicata T.D.Penn. – Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, and northern, northeastern, and west-central Brazil
Pouteria polycarpa (Rusby) Baehni – Bolivia
Pouteria polysepala T.D.Penn. – Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and northern Brazil
Pouteria procera (Mart.) K.Hammer – Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, and northern and eastern Brazil
Pouteria psammophila (Mart.) Radlk. – eastern Brazil
Pouteria puberula T.D.Penn. – Venezuela (Miranda)
Pouteria pubescens (Aubrév. & Pellegr.) T.D.Penn. – southeastern Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and northern Brazil
Pouteria pullei Eyma – Suriname
Pouteria putamen-ovi T.D.Penn. – southern Colombia, northern Peru, and northern Brazil
Pouteria quicheana Cronquist – Guatemala
Pouteria ramiflora (Mart.) Radlk. – Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay
Pouteria resinosa T.D.Penn. – northern Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria reticulata (Engl.) Eyma – southern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America
Pouteria retinervis T.D.Penn. – southeastern Colombia, northern Brazil, and French Guiana
Pouteria rhynchocarpa T.D.Penn. – southern Mexico (Veracruz and Oacaca)
Pouteria rigida (Mart. & Eichler) Radlk. – southern Venezuela, Guyana, and northern Brazil
Pouteria rigidopsis Monach. ex T.D.Penn. – northern and northeastern Venezuela
Pouteria rodriguesiana Pires & T.D.Penn. – Suriname, French Guiana, and northern Brazil (Amapá and Pará)
Pouteria rostrata (Huber) Baehni – Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and northern and west-central Brazil
Pouteria rufotomentosa (Lundell) T.D.Penn. – Mexico (Oaxaca) and Guatemala
Pouteria sagotiana (Baill.) Eyma – Guianas and northern Brazil (Amapá)
Pouteria salicifolia (Spreng.) Radlk. – southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and northeastern Argentina
Pouteria samborae Alves-Araújo & Mônico – Brazil (Espírito Santo)
Pouteria sambuensis (Pittier) Baehni – Panama
Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E.Moore & Stearn – mamey sapote – Mexico and Central America
Pouteria scabritesta T.D.Penn. – Ecuador
Pouteria sclerocarpa (Pittier) Cronquist – Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru
Pouteria scrobiculata Monach. ex T.D.Penn. – Colombia (Caquetá), Venezuela, Guyana, and northern Brazil
Pouteria semecarpifolia (Pierre ex Duss) Pierre – Leeward Islands and Windward Islands
Pouteria sessiliflora (Sw.) Poir. – Cuba and Hispaniola
Pouteria sessilis T.D.Penn. – Peru (Loreto)
Pouteria silvestris T.D.Penn. – Costa Rica (Heredia), Colombia (Chocó), and Ecuador
Pouteria simulans Monach. – Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru
Pouteria singularis T.D.Penn. – Venezuela, northern Brazil, and French Guiana
Pouteria sipapoensis T.D.Penn. – Venezuela (Amazonas)
Pouteria speciosa (Ducke) Baehni – Colombia, northern Brazil, Guyana, and French Guiana
Pouteria spicata J.F.Morales – Costa Rica
Pouteria squamosa Cronquist – southern Mexico (southern Veracruz and Oaxaca) and Guatemala
Pouteria stenophylla Baehni – southeastern Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) (extinct )
Pouteria stipitata Cronquist – Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and northern Brazil (Rondônia)
Pouteria stipulifera T.D.Penn. – northern Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria stylifera T.D.Penn. – northern Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria subcaerulea Pierre ex Dubard – eastern Bolivia and west-central and southeastern Brazil
Pouteria subrotata Cronquist – Nicaragua to Venezuela and Peru
Pouteria subsessilifolia Cronquist – northeastern Brazil (Bahia)
Pouteria surumuensis Baehni – Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, northern Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia
Pouteria synsepala Popovkin & A.D.Faria – northeastern Brazil (Bahia)
Pouteria tarapotensis (Eichler ex Pierre) Baehni – Peru and western Bolivia
Pouteria tarumanensis Pires – northern Brazil (Amazonas: near Manaus)
Pouteria tenuisepala Pires & T.D.Penn. – French Guiana and northern Brazil (Amapá and Pará)
Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk. – Abiurana – southern Mexico to Bolivia, Paraguay, and southern Brazil
subsp. tuberculata (Sleumer) T.D.Penn. – Red Abiorana – southern Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, northern Brazil, and French Guiana
Pouteria trifida Alves-Araújo & M.Alves – northeastern Brazil (southeastern Bahia)
Pouteria trigonosperma Eyma – Guyana and Suriname
Pouteria trilocularis Cronquist – Costa Rica and Colombia, Venezuela, northern and west-central Brazil, Ecuador, and Bolivia
Pouteria triplarifolia C.K.Allen ex T.D. Pennington – Costa Rica (Puntarenas)
Pouteria ucuqui Pires & R.E.Schult. – southeastern Colombia, Venezuela, and northern Brazil
Pouteria undulatifolia Rizzini – west-central Brazil
Pouteria validinervis (Sleumer) Baehni – Ecuador
Pouteria valparadisaea (Molina) ined. – central Chile (Valparaiso)
Pouteria velutinicarpa Alves-Araújo & M.Alves – Brazil (southeastern Bahia)
Pouteria venosa (Mart.) Baehni – Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, and northern, eastern, and southern Brazil
subsp. amazonica T.D.Penn. – Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas, and northern and eastern Brazil
Pouteria vernicosa T.D.Penn. – southeastern Colombia, northern Brazil (Amazonas), and Peru (Huánuco)
Pouteria virescens Baehni – asipoko – Guyana, French Guiana, and northern Brazil (Amazonas)
Pouteria viridis (Pittier) Cronquist – southern Mexico (Veracruz and Chiapas) to Costa Rica.
Pouteria williamii (Aubrév. & Pellegr.) T.D.Penn. – Colombia (Amazonas), northern Brazil (Amazonas), and French Guiana
Due to the uncertainty regarding its actual content, the number of synonyms of Pouteria is massive. Plants of the World Online currently treats the following genera as synonyms.[ 2]
Barylucuma Ducke (1925)
Caleatia Mart. ex Steud. (1841), pro syn.
Caramuri Aubrév. & Pellegr. (1961)
Chaetocarpus Schreb. (1789), nom. rej.
Discoluma Baill. (1891)
Eglerodendron Aubrév. & Pellegr. (1962)
Englerella Pierre (1891)
Eremoluma Baill. (1891)
Franchetella Pierre (1890)
Gayella Pierre (1890)
Gomphiluma Baill. (1891)
Guapeba Gomes (1812)
Guapebeira Gomes (1803)
Ichthyophora Baehni (1964)
Krugella Pierre (1891)
Labatia Sw. (1788), nom. cons.
Leioluma Baill. (1891)
Lucuma Molina (1782)
Microluma Baill. (1891)
Myrtiluma Baill. (1891)
Nemaluma Baill. (1891)
Neolabatia Aubrév. (1972), nom. illeg.
Neoxythece Aubrév. & Pellegr. (1961)
Oxythece Miq. (1863), nom. illeg.
Paralabatia Pierre (1890)
Peteniodendron Lundell (1976)
Piresodendron Aubrév. ex Le Thomas (1983)
Podoluma Baill. (1891)
Prozetia Neck. (1790), opus utique oppr.
Pseudocladia Pierre (1891)
Pseudolabatia Aubrév. & Pellegr. (1962)
Pseudoxythece Aubrév. (1972)
Radlkoferella Pierre (1890)
Richardella Pierre (1890)
Sandwithiodoxa Aubrév. & Pellegr. (1962)
Syzygiopsis Ducke (1925)
Urbanella Pierre (1890)
The following genera are sometimes included in Pouteria .[ 1] Their current treatment by Plants of the World Online is included here.
Achradelpha O.F.Cook – synonym of Manilkara
Albertisiella Pierre ex Aubrév. – synonym of Planchonella
Aningeria Aubrév. & Pellegr. – accepted genus
Beauvisagea Pierre – synonym of Planchonella
Beccariella Pierre – synonym of Pleioluma [ 4]
Beccarimnia Pierre ex Koord.
Blabea Baehni
Blabeia Baehni – synonym of Planchonella
Boerlagella Cogn. - synonym of Planchonella
Bureavella Pierre – synonym of Planchonella
Calocarpum Pierre – synonym of Manilkara
Calospermum Pierre – synonym of Manilkara
Daphniluma Baill.
Dithecoluma Baill.
Fontbrunea Pierre – synonym of Planchonella
Hormogyne A.DC. – synonym of Planchonella
Iteiluma Baill. – synonym of Planchonella
Krausella H.J.Lam – synonym of Planchonella
Maesoluma Baill.
Malacantha Pierre – accepted genus
Myrsiniluma Baill.
Ochroluma Baill.
Peuceluma Baill. – synonym of Planchonella
Planchonella Pierre - accepted genus
Pleioluma (Baill.) Baehni – accepted genus
Poissonella Pierre – synonym of Planchonella
Pyriluma (Baill.) Aubrév. – synonym of Planchonella
Sersalisia R.Br. - accepted genus
Siderocarpus Pierre – synonym of Planchonella
Van-royena Aubrév. – accepted genus
Woikoia Baehni
Wokoia Baehni – synonym of Pichonia
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