OpenRC is a dependency-based init system for Unix-like computer operating systems. It was created by Roy Marples, a NetBSD developer who was also active in the Gentoo project.[3][4] It became more broadly adopted as an init system outside of Gentoo following the decision by some Linux distributions not to adopt systemd.[5][6][7] AdoptionOpenRC is the default init system and/or process supervisor for: OpenRC is an available init system and/or process supervisor for:
DesignOpenRC is made up of several modular components, the main ones being an init (optional), the core dependency management system and a daemon supervisor (optional). It is written in C and POSIX-compliant shell, making it usable on BSD and Linux systems. The core part of OpenRC handles dependency management and init script parsing. OpenRC works by scanning the runlevels, building a dependency graph, then starting the needed service scripts. It exits once the scripts have been started. By default, OpenRC uses a modified version of start-stop-daemon for daemon management.[10] Init scripts share similarities with scripts used in sysvinit, but offer several features to simplify their creation. Scripts are assumed to have Openrc-init first appeared in version 0.25 as an optional replacement for Supervise-daemon first appeared in version 0.21 giving OpenRC supervision capabilities. It can be enabled in the init script for supervise-daemon to start and monitor a daemon. Several other daemon supervisors are supported, including runit[13] and s6.[14] Features