Kebudayaan ini dinamai dari situs tipenya, Hallstatt, sebuah desa di tepi danau Salzkammergut yang pernah menjadi tempat penambangan garam yang kaya. Di desa ini telah ditemukan sekitar 1.300 pemakaman dengan barang-barang peninggalan kebudayaan ini.
^Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology by Philip L. Kohl,ISBN 0-521-55839-5, 1996, Page 134: "... in the 1940s. They were emphatically developed by S.P. Tolstov (1946; 1947b), whose original contribution was to include the Thracian- Illyrian population (the Hallstatt
culture) ..."; and Geschichte der Vorgeschichtsforschung by Herbert Kuhn,Page 455,ISBN 3-11-005918-5,1976, "... of the Middle Danube Urnfield group persisted in the eastern Alpine and the north and east Adriatic area where the Illyrian Hallstatt culture arose in the following centuries best known through its celebrated Hallstatt cemetery and the situla art. ..."