ジャスティン・ローゼンバーグ(Justin Rosenberg)は、イギリスの国際政治学者。マルクス主義および歴史社会学に立脚した国際政治理論を研究。
- The Empire of Civil Society: A Critique of the Realist Theory of International Relations, (Verso 1994).
- 渡辺雅男・渡辺景子訳『市民社会の帝国──近代世界システムの解明』(桜井書店, 2008年)
- The Follies of Globalisation Theory: Polemical Essays, (Verso 2000).
- "After Exterminism: the Peace Movement in the Post Cold War World", with Simon Bromley, New Left Review, no. 168, 1988.
- "What's the Matter With Realism?", Review of International Studies, vol. 16, 1990.
- "A Non-Realist Theory of Sovereignty? Giddens' The Nation-State & Violence", Millennium, vol. 17, no. 2, 1990.
- "Secret Origins of the State: the Structural Basis of Raison d'Etat", Review of International Studies, vol. 18, 1992.
- "The International Imagination: IR Theory and Classic Social Analysis", Millennium, vol. 23, no. 1, 1994.
- "Globalisation Theory: a Post-Mortem", International Politics, vol. 42, no. 1, 2005.
- "Why is There no International Historical Sociology?", European Journal of International Relations, vol. 12, no. 3, 2006.