The University of Technology of Troyes[7] (Université de Technologie de Troyes; UTT) is a French university,[8] in the academy of Reims.
The UTT is part of the network of the three universities of technology, found by the University of Technology of Compiègne. Inspired by the American University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, these three universities (UTC, UTBM and UTT) are a French mixture between the universities of this country and its schools of engineers (Grandes Ecoles).UTT is ranked in the top 10 engineering schools 2017 in France by Usine Nouvelle.[9]
They are indeed organized like the universities, temples of knowledge being based on the triptych teaching-research-valorization (transmission of knowledge, the creation of knowledge and the transfer of knowledge in economic fabric).
Their teaching model is a mix between the North-American model and the French traditions: courses choice, separation of the courses, work directed (TDs) and practical work (TPs). These three universities give thus an engineering degree equivalent to the Bac+5 formations of the French Grandes Ecoles.
The UTT was founded in 1994 and inaugurated by Jacques Chirac. One of the first chairman of the university has been Thierry Breton (1997–2005), honorary Chairman of both Thomson and France Telecom, and former finance Minister from France.
Engineering majors
Industrial Engineering[10] (Génie Industriel or GI)
Production systems management (Sûreté de Fonctionnement et Environnement or GSP)
Supply Chain Management (Management de la Chaine Logistique or MCL)
Operational safety, Risks and Environment (Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Risques, Environnement or SFERE)
Computing and Information systems[11] (Informatique et Systèmes d’Information or ISI)
Electronic Transformation Support (Accompagnement de la Transition Numérique or ATN )
Software management (Innovation par le Projet Logiciel or IPL)
Data and Knowledge Management (Valorisation des données et des connaissances or VDC )
Network and Telecommunications[12] (Réseaux et Télécommunications or RT)
Networks and services convergence (Convergence services et réseaux or CSR)
Mobile technologies and embedded systems (Technologies Mobiles et Systèmes Embarqués or TMSE)
Systems security and communications (Sécurité des Systèmes et des Communications or SSC)
Mechanical systems[13] (Systèmes Mécaniques or SM)
Integrated mechanical design (Conception mécanique intégrée or CMI)
Production system design (Conception de systèmes de production or CSP)
Information technology in mechanical engineering (Technologie de l'information pour la mécanique or TIM)
Digital simulation in mechanical engineering (Simulation numérique en mécanique or SNM)
Materials: Technology and Economics[14] (Matériaux : technologies et économie or MTE)
Economics of Materials and the Environment (Economie des Matériaux et Environnement or EME)
Technology and Commerce of Materials and Components (Technologie et Commerce des Matériaux et des Composants or TCMC)
Transformation and quality of materials (Transformation et Qualité des Matériaux OR TQM)
1 laboratory structured with 3 departments and 8 teams all associated with CNRS
ICD : Institute Charles Delaunay (The laboratory)
Department ROSAS
M2S : System Modelling and Dependability Team
LOSI : Industrial Systems Optimisation and Logistic
Gamma3 :
Department HETIC
Tech-CICO : Technology and Co-operation for Organisational Change and Innovation
CREIDD : Research Center on Sustainable Development
Department P2MN
L2N : Light, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
LASMIS : Mechanical Systems and Concurrent Engineering Laboratory
International relations
The UTT takes part in international exchange programs including ERASMUS and has signed agreements with many foreign universities (partner universities).
The University of Technology of Troyes is a member of the European University Association (EUA).
The UTT is one of the eight members of the European University of Technology (EUt+),[15] initiative, with the Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria), the Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), the Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the Technological University Dublin (Ireland), the Riga Technical University (Latvia), the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain).
^Université de technologie de Troyes calls itself the University of Technology of Troyes on its English language web site (retrieved 2007-11-06).
^Although called a "university", the University of Technology of Troyes is in fact a non-university institute (école extérieure aux universités), as defined by Chapter I, Section II (Articles 34 through 36) of French law 84-52 of 26 January 1984 regarding higher education (the loi Savary).