The Road Trip is an upcoming comedy drama series based on Beth O'Leary's novel of the same name. The series is developed by 42 in association with VIS for Paramount+. The series will premiere on Paramount+ on 26 December 2024.[1]
A romantic comedy, Addie (Appleton) is attending a wedding in Spain with her sister Deb (Laughland), but is forced to car-share with her ex, Dylan (Davidson) and his best friend Marcus (Jonsson), as well as a total stranger (Imrie).[2]
The six-part series has 42 producing in association with PTIS – the international studio division of Paramount Global. Nikki Wilson is series producer with Kingsley Hoskins as co-producer.[3]
The series has writers including Matilda Wnek, Ryan O'Sullivan, Phoebe Eclair-Powell and Waleed Akhtar. China Moo-Young and Stella Corradi are set to direct. It has Miriam Brent, Rory Aitken and Eleanor Moran as executive producers.[4]