ReGenesis is a Canadian science-fiction television series produced by The Movie Network and Movie Central in conjunction with Shaftesbury Films. The series, which ran for four seasons from 2004 to 2008, revolves around the scientists of NorBAC (North American Biotechnology Advisory Commission), a fictional organization with a lab based in the city of Toronto. The organization investigates problems of a scientific nature, such as bioterrorism, mysterious diseases, or radical changes in the environment throughout North America. NorBAC is headed by David Sandström (played by Peter Outerbridge), the chief scientist, and molecular biologist. Through this character, the show often addresses topical social, political, and ethical issues related to the science at hand. The series was originally broadcast on The Movie Network and Movie Central, with rebroadcasts on Global and Showcase in Canada. Internationally it can be seen on FX in the United Kingdom, The Science Channel, Halogen TV, and in syndication at CW Plus in the United States, and FX Latin America in Mexico; as well as numerous broadcasters in Europe and Asia. International distribution is handled by Oasis International. As of April 2012[update], the show can also be seen on Hulu. As of November 2018[update], ReGenesis is available on The Roku Channel. Aled Edwards, the scientific consultant for the series, is a noted Canadian molecular biologist, and the director of the Structural Genomics Consortium. Interactive and other mediaReGenesis has been an international pioneer in integrating interactive media elements into the series. The first successfully deployed alternate reality game paired with a major television broadcast is called the ReGenesis Extended Reality and was created by Xenophile Media in association with Shaftesbury Films. It won the Canadian New Media Award for Best Cross-Platform Project of 2004 and an FITC Design & Technology Award for Excellence in Convergence.[1] In 2006 the alternate reality game won the Banff World Television Festival[2] Award for Interactive Television, a Gemini Award for Best Cross-Platform, and in 2007, an International Emmy for Outstanding Interactive Program. An exploratory game, the ReGenesis Extended Reality draws viewers into a conspiracy and mystery that weaves in and out of the TV series, using the internet, email, and other media to immerse the viewer, blurring the line between fiction and reality. ReGenesis Extended Reality harnesses the power of enthusiastic fans that seed the site with discussion content and collaborative investigations. Extensive knowledge of various chemistry and biotechnology issues is required to find out why the plot in many episodes can't be true (if it can't). Other interactive elements include ReGenesis: ReMixed, a 14-episode series of podcasts hosted by series Music Supervisor Andrea Higgins and produced by Arpix Media, featuring the music of ReGenesis, as well as exclusive interviews with some of the people involved in putting the show together. However, neither of these was continued for the third or fourth season of the series. CharactersMain characters
Recurring characters
MusicThe main title theme song for ReGenesis is "Anywhere But Here" by the Montreal band Behavior. Behavior is an alias for producer / composer Michael McCann. The show's score is primarily composed by Tom Third, with numerous contributions throughout by film/TV composer Robert Carli, and was supervised by Ron Proulx and Andrea Higgins of Arpix Media. Home releasesOn November 11, 2008, Season 1 was released in North America on DVD by Entertainment One. The four-disc set includes all 13 first-season episodes presented in a letterboxed format. Special features include a making of, photo gallery, and "The Facts Behind the Fiction" (the white papers published by the Ontario Genomics Institute). Shaftesbury Films claimed that Seasons 2, 3 and 4 would follow throughout 2009 and 2010, but as of February 2013 no such releases have emerged. The first season has also been released in the UK through Universal Studios UK. The second season was later released to European countries by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, though it was presented in a pan and scan format. Seasons 3 and 4 have been released on DVD in Japan—Season 3 in letterboxed format and Season 4 in 16:9 widescreen. The Japanese Season 3 boxset includes a 20-minute Making of video[3] and the Season 4 boxset a 20-minute Peter Outerbridge interview titled "Pretending With Conviction".[4] On January 30, 2015, Season 1 was released in Europe on Blu-ray by Entertainment One.[5] The three-disc set includes all 13 first-season episodes. Season 2 will be released on Blu-ray March 23, 2015.[6] International broadcasts
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