Nyanpire: The Gothic World of Nyanpire (にゃんぱいあ, Nyanpaia) is a Japanese dōjinshi manga series written and illustrated by Yukiusa about a black cat who becomes a vampire after being abandoned. An anime television series by Gonzo was broadcast in Japan between July 6, 2011, and September 19, 2011. PlotA small abandoned kitten is rescued by a vampire, who feeds him some of his blood, allowing him to be reborn as a vampire cat named Nyanpire. The series follows Nyanpire's everyday life such as spending time with Misaki, his human owner and meeting other cats. Nyanpire also meets two bats called Mori and Komori. Characters
MediaAnimeIn January 2011, the Japanese animation studio Gonzo announced that an anime television adaptation of the manga was under production. Directed by Takahiro Yoshimatsu and written by Natsuko Takahashi,[1] the series aired in Japan between July 6, 2011, and September 19, 2011. The ending theme is "Nyanpire Gymnastics" (にゃんぱいあ体操, Nyanpaia Taisō) by Natsuko Aso and Hyadain.
See alsoReferences
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