The story of "Lakshmi Stores" revolves around the lives of the Mahalingam family and their traditional textiles showroom. Mahalingam is the patriarch of the family and the founder of the store. However, he carries a heavy burden of guilt from a secret in his past that weighs heavily on him.
Mahalakshmi, his daughter-in-law, is the backbone of the family and the store. She selflessly nurtures the family and the staff, but her life takes a turn for the worse when she seeks justice for Bhagyalakshmi, a young woman with a heart of gold. This earns her the wrath of the vengeful Minister Shakunthala Devi, as well as the disownment of her husband Tiger Devaraj.
As Mahalakshmi tries to save Lakshmi Stores and reunite with her family, fate takes a sharp turn when Bhagyalakshmi secretly marries Ravi under unavoidable circumstances. This leads to a series of problems with Shakuntala Devi and her family, putting Mahalakshmi, Ravi, and Bhagyalakshmi in a tough spot.
The story also follows the journey of Ravi and Bhagyalakshmi as they face their challenges with the help of Mahalakshmi and come to terms with their differences to reconcile and live happily. In the end, everything falls into place, and the family reunites, and Lakshmi Stores is saved from the clutches of evil forces.
Main cast
Kushboo Sundar as Mahalakshmi Devaraj, Eldest daughter-in-law of Mahalingam and wife of Devaraj
Nakshatra Nagesh as Bhagyalakshmi Ravi, a worker in Lakshmi Stores and Ravi's wife, Youngest daughter-in-law of Mahalakshmi's family
Hussain Ahmed Khan as Raviprakash Mahalingam, Younger brother-in-law of Mahalakshmi and husband of Bhagyalakshmi
Recurring cast
Sudha Chandran as Minister Shakunthala Devi, Mahalakshmi's enemy (Main Antagonist, Died in serial)
Murali Mohan as Mahalingam, owner of Lakshmi Stores and Devaraj, Saravanan, Arjun, Ravi and Kamala's father
Suresh as Tiger Devaraj a.k.a. Devaraj Mahalingam, Mahalakshmi's husband and Ravi's eldest brother
Sruti Patil as Tejaswini Ravi "Teja" (Shakuntala Devi's daughter, Antagonist)
Tanisha Kuppanda as Mallikadevi "Mallika" Senthil (Senthil's wife, Antagonist)
Delhi Kumar as Thillainathan, also known as Thillai (Bhagyalakshmi, Vanitha and Senthil's grandfather and co-owner of Lakshmi Stores)
Nanditha Jennifer / Sherin Janu as Kamala Mahalingam (Ravi's younger sister)
Rekha Krishnappa as Chamundeshwari Varadhan (Shakuntala Devi's half-sister, Antagonist)
Swathi Thara as Dr. Uma Saravanan (Saravanan's wife, Antagonist)
Nisha Yazhini as Vanitha (Bhagyalakshmi's younger sister)
Delhi Ganesh as Rajendran (Mahalingam's Closest Friend)
Samson T Wilson as Dr. Saravanan Mahalingam (Ravi's second elder brother)
Saakshi Siva as Raju (Shakuntala Devi's half-brother, Antagonist)
Aravind Khathare as Senthilnathan "Senthil" Thillainathan (Bhagyalakshmi and Vanitha's elder brother, Thillainathan's grandson)
Nithya Ram as DC Nithya (Mahalakshmi's cousin sister)
Shyam Ji as Shyam (Ravi's friend and Vanitha's love interest)
Production and release
The shooting of the serial commenced in October 2018. This marks the veteran actress Kushboo Sundar's full-fledged return to television silverscreen after a hiatus of 5 years.[4][5][6]