Moore, Lisa (2002-08-09), "Consensus 91-C5", UTC #91 Minutes, Leave the ROBAT as it is in the standard today (do not deprecate) and document its use appropriately.
Moore, Lisa (2005-08-17), "Consensus 104-C12", UTC #104 Minutes, Change the representative glyphs for Kharoshthi U+10A3F and Khmer U+17D2 to be the same as U+17D2, but with both enclosed in a dashed box...
Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2006-02-16), "M47.16 (Miscellaneous glyph defects)", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47, Sophia Antipolis, France; 2005-09-12/15
Moore, Lisa (2008-08-19), "Consensus 116-C13", UTC #116 Minutes, Change the deprecated property by removing 0340, 0341, 17D3, and adding 0149, 0F77, 0F79, 17A4, 2329, 232A.