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International reactions to the 2024 Venezuelan presidential election

International reactions to the 2024 Venezuelan presidential election of Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro on 28 July 2024 emerged from around the world, including from states and international institutions.

Polls conducted before the election indicated that González would win by a wide margin. After the government-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) announced partial results showing a narrow Maduro victory on 29 July, some world leaders and the opposition expressed skepticism of the claimed results or did not recognize the CNE claims;[1][2][3] while some countries, such as Russia, China, and Iran, among others, recognized Maduro.[2]

Both González and Maduro proclaimed themselves winners of the election. The declaration of Maduro as the winner was quickly followed by a mixture of scepticism and criticism from the leaders of most Latin American countries. Some Latin American countries, however, recognized and congratulated Maduro as the election winner, including Bolivia, Cuba, Honduras, and Nicaragua.[1][3] According to Spain's EFE, "Chavismo claims that more than 60 nations have 'welcomed Maduro's victory', including China, Iran and Russia, as well as Cuba and Nicaragua."[4]





  •  Belarus: President Alexander Lukashenko congratulated Maduro "on behalf of the Belarusian people" and expressed faith in his ability to maintain Venezuela's sovereignty.[31]
  •  France: In a statement, France's Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs called for "total transparency" from the National Electoral Council in the disclosure of the election results, stressing that it "requests the full application of Venezuelan electoral law, which implies above all the full publication of the records and results of the voting centres."[32]
  •  Germany: The Federal Foreign Office released a public statement on X (Twitter) calling for access to all election and voting records, and for the public release of every polling stations' results in detail.[33]
  •  Holy See: Pope Francis called for "dialogue and truth," as well as avoiding any type of violence.[34]
  •  Hungary: In a public statement on X (Twitter), the Hungarian Foreign Ministry expressed support for Corina Machado and González Urrutia, accusing Maduro of attempting to "cling to power … against the will of the people." Amidst rumors that Hungary had blocked a joint EU statement on the elections, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Máté Paczolay denied this, stressing that Hungary had decided to follow the common position of the EU on the elections.[35]
  •  Italy: Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani stated that the Italian government was "perplexed" by the reported election results, expressing apprehension about Maduro's claim to victory reflecting "the will of the people."[33]
  •  Norway: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik expressed the need for "full transparency" of election results to ensure the validity of the elections.[36]
  •  Portugal: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a public statement made on X (Twitter) that "only transparency will guarantee legitimacy" for Venezuela.[37]
  •  Russia: President Vladimir Putin congratulated Maduro while highlighting Russia's "strategic partnership" with Venezuela, asserting confidence that this would contribute to mutual development.[38] Russian Ambassador to Venezuela Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov called the results "trustworthy", and congratulated Maduro's election victory as a representation of "Venezuela's position in the emerging multipolar world".[39]
  •  Spain: The Spanish government stated that Venezuela needed "total transparency" towards the voting results. Minister of Foreign Affairs José Manuel Albares requested that Maduro release comprehensive and accurate data about the election results.[33] Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Díaz called for a recognition of the results, but agreed with the call for more transparency.[40]
  •  Serbia: President Aleksandar Vučić congratulated Maduro on the election results and thanked Venezuela for withholding recognition of Kosovo.[41]
  •  Ukraine: Ukraine called for a "transparent" recount of the votes and condemned the use of force against protesters.[42]
  •  United Kingdom: The Foreign Office alleged that there were "serious irregularities" in the voting results and requested that Venezuela's Electoral Council release accurate and detailed vote count results to determine that the election results matched the popular vote.[33]

North America

  •  Antigua and Barbuda: Prime Minister Gaston Browne released a public letter congratulating Maduro on his election victory, and vowed to resist against attempts by other nations to interfere with Venezuela's internal affairs.[43]
  •  Canada: Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland expressed Canada's "serious concerns" about the proclaimed election results. Freeland emphasized Canada's long-standing support for Venezuela's democratic opposition and condemned the increasingly authoritarian nature of the regime.[44] Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly made a public statement calling for Venezuelan election authorities to release detailed results from each polling station.[44]
  •  Dominica: Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit congratulated Maduro and stated that he thinks "democracy will continue to reign" and hopes "that we can all respect the results and continue to work with Venezuela and its people".[45]
  •  Dominican Republic: The government of President Luis Abinader requested a review by international observers of the election results presented by the National Electoral Council. In response, the Venezuelan government demanded that the Dominican Republic, along with a number of other countries in the Americas that called for a review of the election results, withdraw their diplomatic personnel from Venezuelan territory. On July 29, President Abinader stated that his country would abide by this demand.[46]
  •  Haiti: At the OAS, Haiti voted in favor of demanding the Maduro government to release all electoral data.[47]
  •  Jamaica: At the OAS, Jamaica voted in favor of demanding the Venezuelan government the immediate release of all electoral data.[47]
  •  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: The Foreign Ministry congratulated Maduro and stated they "remain confident that he will continue the just cause of the Bolivarian Revolution."[48]
  •  United States: Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the U.S. government has "serious concerns" that the Venezuelan election results did not reflect "the will nor the votes of the Venezuelan people." He demanded that Venezuelan electoral authorities immediately publish fair and transparent election results, as well as comprehensive tabulation of votes for independent and opposition analyzers to evaluate. He asserted that the United States and the international community were monitoring the situation "very closely" and that they would "respond accordingly".[49] Blinken expressed doubts about the veracity of the results from the National Electoral Council, and indicated that the US awaited reports of international observers.[3] Biden administration officials, speaking anonymously to Reuters, said that Maduro's reported victory lacked credibility and that Venezuelan sanctions would be re-assessed;[50] Brazilian sources said a 30 July call with Brazil's President Lula da Silva was "scheduled at the request of the U.S. government as it seeks Brazil's assessment of the election results in neighboring Venezuela".[51] On 1 August, Blinken said:[52] "Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo González Urrutia won the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election ... We congratulate Edmundo González Urrutia on his successful campaign. Now is the time for the Venezuelan parties to begin discussions on a respectful, peaceful transition in accordance with Venezuelan electoral law and the wishes of the Venezuelan people."[53][54] The Washington Post,[53] The Wall Street Journal,[55] and Reuters[56] say that Blinken did not recognize González as president-elect; the Associated Press[57] and The Guardian say that he did.[58]

Mexico, Central and South America

The electoral results released by the government-controlled Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) and the declaration of Maduro as the winner was quickly followed by a mixture of scepticism and criticism from the leaders of most Latin American countries. Some Latin American countries, however, recognized and congratulated Maduro as the election winner, including Bolivia, Cuba, Honduras and Nicaragua,[1][3] Condemnation from some countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Peru and Uruguay, was far more direct, describing the CNE result in terms of fraud or corruption.[1][3][59]

  •  Argentina: President Javier Milei harshly criticized Maduro, telling him to "get out" and calling him a "dictator", adding that "Venezuelans chose to put an end to [Maduro’s] communist dictatorship. The [exit poll] data shows a crushing opposition victory and the world is waiting for the defeat of years of socialism, misery, decadence and death to be recognised."[3][60] Milei also appeared to call for a military coup in Venezuela, asking the country's armed forces to "defend democracy and the will of the people."[61] Maduro responded by calling Milei a "sociopath".[1][3][60] On 2 August, Foreign Minister Diana Mondino recognized González as president-elect,[62][63] but the Foreign Ministry later said that the official decision of Argentina regarding the election had not yet been taken.[64] On 7 August, Argentina formally recognized González as the "undisputed winner" of the Venezuelan election.[65]
  •  Brazil: President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva announced that he would not recognize the re-election of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela until the United Nations and the Carter Center carry out investigations into the allegations made by the Venezuelan opposition.[66] The Brazilian government added that "[Brazil] is closely monitoring the counting process and […] awaits the publication by the National Electoral Council (CNE) of data broken down by polling stations, an essential step towards transparency, credibility and legitimacy".[3][67] The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said detailed tallies were "essential for the transparency, credibility and legitimacy" of the results and praised the "peaceful nature" of the election.[68] Lula called the controversy a "normal" process and urged for the dispute to be settled through legal means, but asked for the release of the total vote tally.[69]
  •  Bolivia: President Luis Arce congratulated Nicolás Maduro on his electoral victory, stating that "We want to ratify our will to continue strengthening our ties of friendship, cooperation and solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela."[70] However, during a televised interview with Bolivian media RTP on 2 August, Bolivian ambassador to Venezuela Sebastián Michel stated that the results presented by the PUD were reliable.[71]
  •  Chile: President Gabriel Boric was the first foreign leader to question the results from the National Electoral Council, stating that "Maduro's regime must understand that the results are difficult to believe",[59] stressing that the "international community, especially the Venezuelan people including those in exile, demand total transparency" while making it clear that "Chile will not recognize any result that is not verifiable".[33]
  •  Colombia: Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo called for a "total vote count and audit" of the Venezuelan elections, stating that "[t]he results must be fully credible."[72] The Colombian government highlighted "the importance of clearing any doubts about the results", also calling for "the total vote count, its verification and independent audit to be carried out as soon as possible."[3]
  •  Costa Rica: A public statement was made by the government of Rodrigo Chaves Robles, stating that it did not recognize Maduro's election, repudiating it and calling it "fraudulent." It added that it will work together with the "democratic governments" of the continent as well as international organizations to ensure that the "will of the Venezuelan people" was respected.[73] On 2 August, Costa Rica formally recognized González as the president-elect.[74]
  •  Cuba: President Miguel Díaz-Canel celebrated the election and its results as a representation of the Venezuelan people's "dignity and courage" against "pressure and manipulation". He congratulated Maduro and referred to him as a "brother", celebrating the continued progress of the "Bolivarian and Chavista Revolution".[60]
  •  Ecuador: President Daniel Noboa warned that "throughout the region, politicians are trying to 'cling to power' and trying to take peace away from our citizens. That is what we face, that is the danger of dictatorship, and today we are witnessing how one more of them tries to take hope away from millions of Venezuelans."[3] The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry indicated, through its X (Twitter) account, that it rejects the "lack of transparency in the Venezuelan elections", adding that: "the absence of guarantees in the process... delegitimizes and vitiates the results of the elections", also calling on the International Community to monitor and verify the transfer of the elections. President Noboa requested that the Foreign Ministry take steps to convene the Permanent Council of the OAS and address the situation in Venezuela.[75] On 2 August, Ecuador recognized González as the president-elect.[74]
  •  El Salvador: President Nayib Bukele called the official electoral result released by the National Electoral Council a "fraud", adding: "What we saw yesterday in Venezuela has no other name than fraud. An 'election' where the official result has no relation to reality. Something obvious to anyone."[76]
  •  Guatemala: President Bernardo Arévalo questioned the results of Maduro's proclaimed victory, publicly stating that "Venezuela deserves transparent, accurate results that adhere to the will of its people."[77] On 5 August, Arévalo said that Guatemala does not recognize Maduro as president-elect, rejecting the results of the National Electoral Council, but stopped short of recognizing González.[78]
  •  Guyana: Guyana called for a "transparent verification process" of the election in Venezuela.[79]
  •  Honduras: President Xiomara Castro released a statement, saying: "Our special congratulations and Democratic, Socialist and Revolutionary greetings to President Nicolas Maduro and the brave people of Venezuela for their unobjectionable triumph, which reaffirms their sovereignty and the historical legacy of Commander Hugo Chavez."[80]
  •  Mexico: The Secretariat of Foreign Affairs released a statement calling for a transparent review including the electoral agency's data and full reports.[81] In contrast, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that he would wait until the vote count is complete and that "if the electoral authority confirms this trend, we will recognize the government elected by the people of Venezuela".[3]
  •  Nicaragua: Vice President Rosario Murillo congratulated Nicolás Maduro, saying that "The Venezuelan people are moving forward to light, life and truth." Later, President Daniel Ortega denounced an alleged "coup d'état" in reference to doubts raised about the results provided by the National Electoral Council.[82]
  •  Panama: President José Raúl Mulino expressed his rejection of the results and announced the withdrawal of Panama's diplomats to Venezuela,[83] suspending diplomatic relations.[84] Mulino stated on 6 August his desire to "host a summit of 17 Latin American presidents to discuss the political situation in Venezuela and support democracy in the country". He had asked his foreign minister to organize it and had asked the United States for support.[85]
  •  Paraguay: President Santiago Peña advocated for the verification of the precise details of the election.[86]
  •  Peru: Peruvian Foreign Minister Javier González-Olaechea stated through his X (Twitter) account that he "condemns the irregularities with the intention of defrauding the Venezuelan government" and that "Peru will not accept the violation of the popular will of the Venezuelan people."[87] On 29 July, Peru recalled its ambassador from Venezuela "for consultations".[3][60] After the Venezuelan government demanded that a number of Latin American countries recall their representatives in Venezuela in response to "interventionist actions and statements" regarding the legitimacy of the election results, González Olaechea ordered the expulsion of all Venezuelan diplomats from Peru, instructing them to leave the country within 72 hours.[88][89] The BBC and The Guardian reported that Peru was the first country to recognize González as Venezuela's president-elect, on 30 July.[90][91] However, after González-Olaechea was replaced as Foreign Minister on 3 September, the government released a statement clarifying that the country has not recognized González as president-elect.[92] In response, President Dina Boluarte reaffirmed on 6 September that Peru's position with respect to Venezuela had not changed under the new Foreign Minister, saying: "We will not be part of an electoral fraud; we will not support a dictatorial government."[93]
  •  Suriname: At the OAS, Suriname voted in favor of demanding the Venezuelan government the immediate release of all electoral data.[47]
  •  Uruguay: President Luis Lacalle Pou spoke out against the results of the Venezuelan general elections. He made a public statement on his X (Twitter) account, stating: "Not like that! It was an open secret. They were going to 'win' regardless of the real results. The process up to the day of the election and the counting of votes was clearly flawed. You cannot recognize a victory if you do not trust the way and the mechanisms used to achieve it".[94] On 2 August, Uruguay recognized González as the president-elect, with Foreign Minister Omar Paganini stating that "based on overwhelming evidence, it is clear to Uruguay that Edmundo González Urrutia won the majority of votes".[95]


  •  Australia: In a press statement, the Australian government called on Venezuelan authorities to "publish detailed results from all polling stations to ensure transparency and accountability." It also "strongly urged a peaceful return to democracy in Venezuela through free and fair Presidential elections", while calling upon Venezuelan authorities to "guarantee full respect for freedom of assembly and expression."[96]

International organizations


ALBA–TCP congratulated Maduro, calling it a "demonstration of the strength of the Venezuelan participatory and active democracy, whose people, besieged by imperialist powers, have expressed their will in a civic and deeply patriotic manner in a historic election for the peace and stability of the region and the entire world."[97]

Gas Exporting Countries Forum

Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum Mohammad Hamel congratulated Maduro and "express [his] deep gratitude for the contributions of the esteemed representatives of Venezuela".[98]

Group of Seven

Group of Seven called for the publication of "detailed election results in full transparency" and asked "to immediately share all information with the opposition and independent observers".[99]

European Union

The high representative of the EU Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, asked for "the detailed counting of votes and access to the voting records" in Venezuela, asserting that "The will must be respected."[100] He said the EU would not recognize the election until those conditions are met.[101]

It was reported that Hungary vetoed a unified statement,[102] a spokesman of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs later denied such veto.[103]

Organization of American States

The day after the election, nine Latin American countries (Argentina, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay) published a joint communication via the Foreign Ministry of Argentina.[104][105] Together, these countries requested that the Organization of American States (OAS) organize an emergency meeting, with the joint communication expressing "profound concern" over the proclaimed election results and demanding "a comprehensive review of the results in the presence of independent electoral observers in order to guarantee respect for the will of the Venezuelan people who took part in the election peacefully and in large numbers."[33][104][105][106]

A 31 July resolution that demanded the publication of the voting protocols failed by only reaching 17 votes of the 18 needed. Argentina, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and the US voted in favour; Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Grenada, Honduras, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia abstained and Dominica, Mexico, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela were absent.[107]

The Permanent Council of the OAS met on 16 August and presented a draft resolution that was approved by consensus calling for the vote tallies to be protected and published, respect for the sovereignty of the election results, and emphasizing the rights to basic freedoms without reprisals and arbitrary arrests, while acknowledging the peaceful effort of Venezuelans in the 28 July election.[108][109] The resolution urged the Venezuelan election authorities to abide by the agreements signed in Mexico and Barbados, and to end the state violence perpetrated by the regime. It was approved after a majority of OAS member states voted yes including member states those who voted no or abstained in the previous session such as Antigua and Barbuda, Brazil, Colombia, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Lucia. The resolution was jointly signed with European Union declaration.[110][111]

Political parties


North America

Latin America

  •  Argentina: The Renewal Front of former economy minister and 2023 presidential candidate Sergio Massa called on to Maduro's government to release the full results, and called Maduro's victory proclamation "irregular" and "lacking evidence." The statement also condemned the Venezuelan state forces' use of violence against protestors.[114]
  •  Brazil: The Workers' Party called the electoral process "peaceful, democratic and sovereign".[115]
  •  El Salvador: The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front congratulated Maduro and claimed that "the Venezuelan people have said no to fascism, no to the blockade, no to violence and no to imperialist intervention."[116]

See also


  1. ^ The political status of Abkhazia is disputed. Having unilaterally declared independence from Georgia in 1992, Abkhazia is formally recognised as an independent state by 5 UN member states (two other states previously recognised it but then withdrew their recognition), while the remainder of the international community recognizes it as de jure Georgian territory. Georgia continues to claim the area as its own territory, designating it as Russian-occupied territory.


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Further reading

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