Ice Age Giants
Ice Age Giants is a British television documentary series created and produced by BBC Natural History Unit, first shown in the UK on BBC Two and BBC Two HD on 19 May 2013. The series steps back to 20,000 years in time and follows the trail of the prehistoric mammals in the ice age on North America and European region that lived through it to life by using the latest scientific knowledge and a little graphic wizardry. The series was presented by Dr. Alice Roberts and composed by David Mitcham.[2] BroadcastBritish televisionIce Age Giants debuted on British television on 19 May 2013, broadcast on BBC Two and BBC Two HD, which consisted of total three episodes. InternationalThe series premiered in Australia on Animal Planet on 24 June 2015.[3] Episodes
MerchandiseDVDsIn United States and Canada (Region 1), a single DVD was released by BBC Warner on 13 January 2015.[4][5] As for Australia and New Zealand (Region 4), it was released by ABC DVD/Village Roadshow on 6 August 2014.[6] See alsoReferences
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