Hawaiian Vacation
Toy Story Toons: Hawaiian Vacation is a 2011 American animated short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Gary Rydstrom. The first entry in the Toy Story Toons series, the short features characters from the Toy Story films and takes place after the events of Toy Story 3. It premiered in theaters with Pixar's Cars 2,[1][2][3] and was included on the film's home video release.[4] PlotThree months after the events of Toy Story 3, it is Bonnie's winter break from school, and she is going on vacation to Hawaii with her family. The toys are excited to have a week of relaxation, but Ken and Barbie reveal themselves to have stowed away in Bonnie's backpack, hoping to join her in Hawaii. Bonnie leaves them in her room, however, much to Ken's horror and disappointment when he realizes they are not going to Hawaii. Barbie reveals to Woody that Ken planned to have their first kiss on a beach at sunset, basing it off of an image on a Hawaii travel brochure. This inspires Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of Bonnie's toys to recreate their own version of Hawaii for the two. After various adventures in "Hawaii", Ken and Barbie share their first kiss in the snow at sunset, recreating the scene from the brochure. However, the two step off the edge of the porch without realizing it and end up buried in the snow, prompting the toys to come to their rescue by digging them out of the snow and releasing them from a block of ice using a hair dryer and screw driver. Voice cast
ProductionThe film was announced in June 2010 by Lee Unkrich who said, "We have announced we're going to do a short film in front of Cars 2 that uses the Toy Story characters. We're going to keep them alive; they're not going away forever."[1][5] The short film's title and plot were later revealed on February 17, 2011.[3] ReceptionCharlie McCollum of Mercury News called it a "delightful snippet of life" that is "crisp, funny and sweet."[6] Home mediaOn November 1, 2011, Hawaiian Vacation was released as a bonus feature on the Cars 2 DVD and Blu-ray. As of July 2012, Hawaiian Vacation is available as a digital purchase on Amazon Video[7] and iTunes Store.[8] The short was released on November 13, 2012, on the DVD and Blu-ray of Pixar Short Films Collection Volume 2.[9] The short was also released on the Toy Story of Terror! Blu-ray and DVD on August 19, 2014, alongside two other Toy Story Toons.[10] References
External linksWikiquote has quotations related to Hawaiian Vacation. |