Fairfax (TV series)
Fairfax is an American adult animated comedy television series created by Matt Hausfater, Aaron Buchsbaum, and Teddy Riley. The series is voiced by Skyler Gisondo, Kiersey Clemons, Peter S. Kim, and Jaboukie Young-White. It was released on Amazon Prime Video on October 29, 2021. PremiseFour middle school best friends embark on a never-ending quest for popularity on Fairfax Avenue – Los Angeles' pulsing heart of hypebeast culture.[1] Cast and charactersMain
EpisodesSeries overviewSeason 1 (2021)
Season 2 (2022)
ProductionThe project was first announced to be in development at Amazon Studios on December 19, 2019, with Matt Hausfater attached as co-creator.[2] On January 29, 2020, Amazon Prime Video gave the project a 2-season order consisting of 8 half-hour episodes per season, with Aaron Buchsbaum and Teddy Riley joining as co-creators and executive producing the project alongside Hausfater. It was also announced that Chris Prynoski, Shannon Prynoski, and Ben Kalina of Titmouse, Inc. were set to also executive produce the series alongside Serious Business. The characters for the series were designed by graphic designer Somehoodlum.[1] On September 29, 2021, it was announced that Skyler Gisondo, Kiersey Clemons, Peter S. Kim, and Jaboukie Young-White would make up the main voice cast with Pamela Adlon, Yvette Nicole Brown, Rob Delaney, Zoey Deutch, John Leguizamo, Camila Mendes, Billy Porter, and Ben Schwartz among the guest stars.[3] ReleaseAll eight episodes of the first season premiered on Amazon Prime Video on October 29, 2021.[3] Season 2 was released on June 10, 2022.[4] References
External links