Bogan Pride
Bogan Pride is an Australian comedy television series which first screened on SBS TV in 2008. The six-part series created by and starring actress, Rebel Wilson. The series centres on the life of a teenage bogan girl.[1] SynopsisJennie Cragg (Rebel Wilson) is an obese girl who lives in Boonelg with her extremely overweight mother Berenice, who is now confined to her living-room chair. Her Aunty Cassandra’s gay husband has left her. Nick is the extremely good-looking neighbour, and Jennie's best friends are hypochondriac Nigella and the extremely religious Amy Lee. Jennie enters a dance competition to pay for her mum’s stomach stapling operation, attempts to impress the boy she has a crush on and get revenge on the school skanks. Cast
ProductionIn 2008 Wilson created and wrote the musical comedy series Bogan Pride which was picked up for six episodes by SBS One. .[1] Most of the furniture/house items and clothing were bought from charity shops. And food is bought from Aldi.[2] Each episode was written by Wilson, directed by Peter Templeman and produced by Tony Ayres and Michael McMahon (Home Song Stories, Walking on Water). The show was not renewed for a second season. See alsoReferences
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