Blowin' Up
Blowin' Up is a comedy reality show on MTV. The show stars Jamie Kennedy, an actor who follows his dream of becoming a successful rapper. The show was written by Kennedy after the success of the movie Malibu's Most Wanted, in which he starred. Along for the ride is his close friend Stu Stone, who keeps Jamie in check to stick to their rap career. Throughout the show there are various celebrity appearances. From the beginning, Jamie expresses his dislike for fellow actor Jason Biggs (who, like Kennedy, appeared in Kevin Smith's 2001 film Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back). Jamie and Stu also encounter many different rappers during the season, including Mike Jones, Ice-T, and a performance with the Three 6 Mafia. Jamie and Stu also try to recruit special guests on their album, getting Bob Saget, formerly of the TV show Full House. The song was titled "Rollin' with Saget." Robin Sloan Bechtel, an executive at Warner Bros. Records discovered Jamie Kennedy and Stu Stone's music on MySpace before the MTV show was greenlit. When she met with Kennedy and Stone, they all discussed pitching a show that would tell the story of their rap ventures. After MTV greenlit the show, Bechtel signed the duo and starred in their show. An album featuring the tracks recorded during the filming of Blowin' Up, sharing a title of the same name, was released on July 11, 2006. Some of the songs include "Circle Circle Dot Dot," "Rollin' With Saget," "1984," and "Crooked Stick." In the early popularity of YouTube, a fan created a lego inspired video for Circle Circle Dot Dot that hit the homepage of YouTube and which catapulted the video to #1 status on YouTube. Circle Circle Dot Dot then became an internet phenomenon and was a #1 ringtone.[citation needed] Blowin' Up album
Track listing
The album was executive produced by Jamie Kennedy and Robin Bechtel and produced by Stu Stone. Credits
Episode list
See alsoReferencesExternal links |