Betsucomi (ベツコミ, Betsukomi), known as Bessatsu Shōjo Comic (別冊少女コミック, Bessatsu Shōjo Komikku) before 2000, is a monthly Japanese shōjo manga magazine published by Shogakukan. It was conceived as a bessatsu or "special issue" of its sister magazine Shōjo Comic. It is released on the 13th of each month.
^ ab印刷部数公表:少女向けコミック誌 [Number of Printed Copies Announced: Comic Magazines for Girls]. Japan Magazine Publishers Association (in Japanese). Archived from the original on August 6, 2017. Retrieved November 6, 2016.
^Deracomiのお知らせ [Deracomi announcement]. Betsucomi (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Archived from the original on August 13, 2004. Retrieved January 5, 2021. Text: 「オール新作よみきり30本!『サルヤマっ!』 最彬 聖子」 Translation: "30 all new works! Monkey High! by Shouko Akira."
^今月号のBetsucomi – 10月号 [This month's issue of Betsucomi – October issue]. Betsucomi (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Archived from the original on September 23, 2005. Retrieved January 5, 2021. Text: 「新連載&デラコミ人気シリーズ本誌初登場!『サルヤマっ!』 最彬 聖子」 Translation: "New serialization & the first appearance of a popular Deracomi series! Monkey High! by Shouko Akira."