Open-source directory server
Apache Directory is an open source project of the Apache Software Foundation . The Apache Directory Server , originally written by Alex Karasulu, is an embeddable directory server entirely written in Java . It was certified LDAPv 3-compatible by The Open Group in 2006.[ 2] [ 3] Besides LDAP, the server supports other protocols as well.[ 4]
There exist these subprojects:
Apache Directory Studio - an LDAP browser/editor for data, schema, LDIF , and DSML written in an Eclipse -based framework.
Apache SCIMple - an implementation of SCIM v2.0 specification.
Apache Fortress - a standards-based authorization system.
Apache Kerby - a Kerberos implementation written in Java.
Apache LDAP API - an SDK for directory access in Java.
Apache Mavibot - a Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC ) BTree in Java.
See also
External links
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