The first season of Alone premiered on June 18, 2015 on History and concluded on August 27, with 10 episodes and 1 special recap/behind-the-scenes episode. Each season follows the self-documented daily struggles of 10 individuals as they survive alone in the wilderness for as long as possible using a limited amount of survival equipment. With the exception of medical check-ins, the participants are isolated from each other and all other humans. They may "tap out" at any time, or be removed due to failing a medical check-in. The contestant who remains the longest wins a grand prize of $500,000.
The first season was won by Alan Kay, who lost over 46 pounds during the course of the season. His staple foods were limpets and seaweed. He also consumed mussels, crab, fish and slugs.[1]
Beginning quote: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately... and see if I could not learn what it had to teach." - Henry David Thoreau
"Humans are not the fastest or the strongest animals on the planet, but when it comes to survival, we have had the unique advantage of being clever." - David Perlmutter
"After the Rescue"
August 5, 2015 (2015-08-05)
"This is the chance in a lifetime. But it's not worth dying over." - Wayne
"Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength." - Theodore Roosevelt
Lucas Miller enjoyed his time on the show and was selected based on his work as a wilderness therapist. His most difficult experience with the show was making honest confessions to the camera.[12] Sam Larson described his time on the show as "playing in the woods". He set a goal for himself to last 50 days. After he reached his goal, a large storm hit the island, which Larson described as being larger than any he had seen and prompting his decision to leave the island. Larson said that the loneliness and solitude took the most time to adjust to, and that his preparation for the show mostly consisted of mental preparation.[13]
Quatsino is a small hamlet of 91 people located on Quatsino Sound in Northern Vancouver Island, Canada, only accessible by boat or float plane. Its nearest neighbour is Coal Harbour, to the east, about 20 minutes away by boat, and Port Alice, to the south, about 40 minutes away by boat. The largest town in the region, Port Hardy, is located about an hour northeast by boat and vehicle.[citation needed]