Halaman ini berisi artikel tentang tindakan yang dilakukan terhadap umat Kristen karena iman mereka. Untuk sikap negatif terhadap kaum Kristen, lihat sentimen anti-Kristen.
Para misionaris Kristen, serta orang-orang yang mereka konversi ke dalam Kekristenan, menjadi sasaran penganiayaan dan terkadang hingga menjadi martir karena iman mereka. Terdapat juga catatan sejarah tentang penganiayaan antar denominasi Kristen, yang dilakukan oleh suatu kalangan Kristen terhadap kalangan lainnya, terutama selama abad ke-16 dan sepanjang Abad Pertengahan. Pada abad ke-20, umat Kristen dianiaya oleh berbagai kelompok, misalnya oleh negara-negara ateistik seperti Uni Soviet dan Korea Utara. Selama Perang Dunia II, jemaat dari beberapa gereja Kristen mengalami penganiayaan di Jerman karena menolak ideologi Nazi.
Setelah Revolusi Rusia 1917, kaum Bolshevik melakukan kegiatan besar-besaran untuk menghilangkan pengaruh Gereja Ortodoks Rusia dari pemerintah sambil melarang antisemitisme dalam masyarakat Rusia, serta mempromosikan ateisme. Kritik terhadap ateisme dilarang keras dan terkadang menghasilkan hukuman penjara. Beberapa individu terkenal yang dieksekusi termasuk Metropolitan Benyamin dari Petrograd, imam dan ilmuwan Pavel Florensky dan Uskup Gorazd Pavlik.
Changing Gods: Rethinking Conversion in India. Rudolf C Heredia. Penguin Books. 2007. ISBN 0-14-310190-0
W.H.C. Frend, 1965. Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church
Let My People Go: The True Story of Present-Day Persecution and Slavery Cal. R. Bombay, Multnomah Publishers, 1998
Their Blood Cries Out Paul Marshall and Lela Gilbert, World Press, 1997.
In the Lion's Den: Persecuted Christians and What the Western Church Can Do About ItNina Shea, Broadman & Holman, 1997.
This Holy Seed: Faith, Hope and Love in the Early Churches of North Africa Robin Daniel, (Chester, Tamarisk Publications, 2010: from www.opaltrust.org) ISBN 0-9538565-3-4
In the Shadow of the Cross: A Biblical Theology of Persecution and Discipleship Glenn M. Penner, Living Sacrifice Books, 2004
Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century: A Comprehensive World History by Robert Royal, Crossroad/Herder & Herder; (April 2000). ISBN 0-8245-1846-2
Islam's Dark Side – The Orwellian State of Sudan, The Economist, 24 June 1995.
Sharia and the IMF: Three Years of Revolution, SUDANOW, September 1992.
Final Document of the Synod of the Catholic Diocese of Khartoum, 1991. [noting "oppression and persecution of Christians"]
Human Rights Voice, published by the Sudan Human Rights Organization, Volume I, Issue 3, July/August 1992 [detailing forcible closure of churches, expulsion of priests, forced displacement of populations, forced Islamisation and Arabisation, and other repressive measures of the Government].
The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom by Candida R. Moss, HarperOne, 2013. ISBN 978-0-06-210452-6
Sudan – A Cry for Peace, published by Pax Christi International, Brussels, Belgium, 1994
Sudan – Refugees in their own country: The Forced Relocation of Squatters and Displaced People from Khartoum, in Volume 4, Issue 10, of News from Africa Watch, 10 July 1992.
Human Rights Violations in Sudan, by the Sudan Human Rights Organization, February 1994. [accounts of widespread torture, ethnic cleansing and crucifixion of pastors].
Pax Romana statement of Macram Max Gassis, Bishop of El Obeid, to the Fiftieth Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, February 1994 [accounts of widespread destruction of hundreds of churches, forced conversions of Christians to Islam, concentration camps, genocide of the Nuba people, systematic rape of women, enslavement of children, torture of priests and clerics, burning alive of pastors and catechists, crucifixion and mutilation of priests].
The Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614CE compared with Islamic conquest of 638CE