Chapbook adalah sebuah jenis sastra jalanan yang dicetak di Eropa modern awal. Berharga murah, chapbook umumnya berbentuk buklet kecil yang dilapisi kertas, biasanya dicetak pada lembar tunggal yang berisi 8, 12, 16 dan 24 halaman. Karya tersebut sering kali diilustrasikan dengan cukil kayu, yang terkadang tak memiliki hubungan dengan teksnya. Saat ilustrasi dicantumkan dalam chapbook, ilustrasi tersebut dianggap menjadi cetakan populer.
The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. "The Scottish Chapbook Project". University of South Carolina G. Ross Roy Collection.
Neuburg, Victor E. (1968). The penny histories: a study of chapbooks for young readers over two centuries (illustrated with facsimiles of seven chapbooks. London: Oxford University Press (The Juvenile Library.
Neuburg, Victor E. (1964). Chapbooks: a bibliography of references to English and American chapbook literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. London: Vine Press.
Neuburg, Victor E. (1952). A select handlist of references to chapbook literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Edinburgh: privately printed by J. A. Birkbeck.
Spufford, Margaret (1981). Small Books and Pleasant Histories: Popular Fiction and its Readership in seventeenth Century England. Methuen.